Friday, April 16, 2010

ELCA Seminary Kelms Wormhaven, And Blesses the Compost Bin!

LSTC has purchased five composters -
one for the backyard of each student housing unit!

On Monday February 8 during chapel, LSTC blessed the new composters.

Earth Year at LSTC

Composting is easy and makes a big impact on creation (25% of Chicago landfills are composed of material that could have been composted), and it's the Gospel. Out of death and decay, God works in creation to bring about new life. All people everywhere to take part in the great divine narrative of creation – compost!

How to Compost

Compost needs four elements to be successful:

* Nitrogen: fruit and vegetable scraps (but no meat or dairy)
* Carbon: dry leaves (maintenance staff is now saving dry leaves for us!) or paper, newspaper, cardboard
* Oxygen: please turn the compost with the handy hand crank when you add to it
* Moisture: should take care of itself, if you see compost is very dry, add a small amount of water

Did you know you can compost egg shells, tea bags, dryer lint, hair, and fur?!?

For a complete list and more information, visit:


GJ - Do not reach for your asthma inhaler. They do not really believe in Creation in ELCA. But it is worth a year's tuition to see a compost bin being blessed in a chapel service.

The person who posted this knows very little about composting. Moisture does not take care of itself! The bins illustrated will dry out fairly quickly. They would best be fed with green plants and leaves, and some soil.

Egg shells do not compost and do not improve the soil. I give them yahoos a few months before the bins stink or dry out. People are probably shouting in the communal laundry room:

"Save that lint. People are starving all over the world and you won't compost the lint!"