Sunday, April 18, 2010

Free At Last! - Faith (ELCA) in Moline Has Voted To Leave the Apostates

The prisoner leaps
to loose his chains.

It's Done!

Our 2'nd, 2n'd vote passed to day to finalize our split from the ELCA....

PRAISE BE TO GOD! 195 for, and 51 against!

2'nd vote to adopt our changed constitution to strike any ELCA reference among other changes 192 for, 47 against! It did not go without problems though, as those who favor the ELCA came out in full force, but percentage wise they had lost a few supporters?

At issue was this blog as those from the opposition do not like the light that has been shown on them or the attention that has been brought to the deceptive practices that the ELCA and Gary Wollershine has taken.

The posting about the "Saving Faith's" version of a 60'th anniversary celebration raised some ire. It was brought to my attention that they are not all old and confused and in fact are pretty clear about their thinking and their choices. So that has now been cleared up.

It was said that it was a handful who attended the non sanctioned anniversary and today they had a vote turn out of 51 so if the expression "handful" doesn't apply to less than 2/3'ds of the total quantity, then the blog stands to be corrected.

The majority requested their transfer papers at the end of the meeting and they were obliged. It was brought up again that until the ELCA accepts our decision to split, we in fact aren't fully recognized as being officially split? If we do not accept them and their decisions, then why do they want to keep us on their roster? we're following the Bible now not politics and the ELCA.


Bruce said...

I think the ELCA legal counsel came up with the thing about a phantom "3rd step" to the separation process. Of MUCH more interest was when one of SF's main speakers spilled the beans (perhaps inadvertently) that it was the Bishop who so graciously "set up" (the speaker's words) the group calling itself "Saving Faith." And I am not misquoting him; not sure he wanted to say that, but it came out. Oh well, it's all water under the bridge now.
Until the synod launches a lawsuit against Faith to try to get control of the building, that is.


GJ - I was so pleased to hear that the second voted passed overwhelmingly for the congregation to leave the ELCA. I used to walk, bike, and drive by this church on the way to Coolige Junior High and Moline High School.

My most enjoyable moment came when the congregation stated they would use the Moline Police to remove the bishop or his thugs if they tried to appear on congregational property.

The Faith Moline blog chose wisely to fight out in the open. Synod officials love secrecy because they can make up anything they want to undermine the pastor and the faithful laity. In the old days, letters xeroxed and mailed around to others could be easily forgotten by the spineless pastors who decided they knew nothing about the facts. Internet blogs have changed that with the ease of posting the actual letters of these officials on the Net.

The Episcopal Bishops are taking their districts out of their apostate organization, facing lawsuits and all the dishonest assaults of the Presiding Bishop. In contrast, the ELCA bishops have been dedicated to enforcing the homosexual agenda with jackboots and nightsticks.

Officially, ELCA will need to allow Faith to go its way with the property, but that should not be difficult. The law is on the side of Faith. The nasty bishop will probably try to pull a few stunts. My advice is to have Faith join LCMC, because ELCA's new policy will not tolerate dual membership of a parish.

Fancy that. ELCA has bragged about joint Reformed-ELCA parishes, joint ELCA-Catholic parishes, and who knows what. But double membership, in ELCA and LCMC at the same time? Horrors! (LCMC, Core, and LMS-USA are three alternatives to ELCA, gaining rapidly from those who flee the Lavender Mafia.)

Weakening Holy Mother ELCA is always good news. The loss of regular income this year promises to be catastrophic.

Congratulations to Faith for standing up to the ecclesiastical bullies.

The Illinois ELCA bishop has revealed
His version of the Ten Commandments.