Upcoming Assignments
2010 Spring Pastor’s Conference, Abiding Faith, Fort Worth
* “Exegesis of Objective Justification Passages,” Pastor Steve Dorn
* “Isagogical Study of Romans Focusing on Objective and Subjective Justification,” Pastor Craig Born
* “Is Objective Justification Universalism? Is Objective Justification a Denial of sola fide? or “Are the Damned Forgiven?” Pastor Richard Schleicher
* “Justification by Faith Alone since the Reformation, especially focusing on the emergence of the terms ‘objective’ and ’subjective’ in relation to justification,” Pastor Nate Bourman
* “Justification as habitus practicus,” Pastor Karl Gurgel

District Praesidium
* Pastor Vilas Glaeske, President
* Pastor Don Patterson, First Vice-President
* Pastor John Vieths, Second Vice-President
* Pastor Benjamin Tomczak, Secretary
Pastor’s Conference
* Pastor William Gabb, Chairman
* Pastor Benjamin Tomczak, Secretary
Teacher’s Conference
* Teacher Kyle Raymond, President
* Teacher Andy Van Weele, Vice-President
* Teacher Joanna Buchik, Secretary
Synodical Council Representative
Circuit Pastors
* Pastor John Koelpin, DFW
* Pastor John Strackbein, Oklahoma
* Pastor Dave Kapler, Arkansas
* Pastor Marc Von Deylen, Gulf
* Pastor Eric Hartzell, Capitol
District Mission Board — Pastor Caleb Schoeneck, chairman
Church and Change Counselors — Pastor Peter Kruschel, Pastor Ed Schuppe
Parish Services
* Evangelism — Pastor John Hering
* Worship — Pastor Brian Doebler
* Youth Discipleship — Staff Minister Chad White
* Parish Schools — Teacher Jim Henrickson
* Adult Discipleship — Pastor Nate Buege
* Special Ministries — Pastor Jon Semro
Nominating Committee — Pastor Richard Schleicher, chairman
Ministry of Christian Giving – Pastor Marc Von Deylen
Christian Giving Counselor — Pastor David Dolan
Constitution Committee — Pastor Dan Voigt, chairman
District Board of Appeals – Pastor John Strackbein, chairman
Zebra Relief Committee — Pastor Don Patterson
Forward in Christ Reporter — Pastor Bill Gabb