Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can the Babtists Say This about Holy Baptism?

Stop quoting Luther.
Quote Leonard Sweet.

Living with Luther

"There is no greater comfort on earth than baptism. For it is through baptism that we come under the judgment of grace and mercy, which does not condemn our sins but drives them out by many trials.

"For this reason no one should be terrified if he feels evil lust or love, nor should he despair even if he falls. Rather he should remember his baptism, and comfort himself joyfully with the fact that God has there pledged Himself to slay his sin for him and not to count it a cause for condemnation, if only he does not say Yes to sin or remain in it. Moreover these wild thoughts and appetites, and even a fall into sin, should not be regarded as an occasion for despair. Regard them rather as an admonition from God that we should call upon God's mercy and exercise ourselves in striving against sin, that we should even welcome death in order that we may be rid of sin."

(The Holy and Blessed Sacrament of Baptism, 1519, Luther's Works, Vol.35, page 34,35)

Kelmed from The Gadfly