Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Characteristics of Pietism

Start them young.

Below are characteristics of Pietism:

1. Because the Holy Spirit is separated from the Word, little or nothing is said about the efficacy of the Word or the Means of Grace.
2. Following Spener's program, there is a hostility toward sound doctrine and the Confessions, an animus expressed by such mocking terms as - legalism, Luther complex, head religion (compared to their heart religion), lovelessness, unbrotherly attitude, divisiveness.
3. Sermons often express gratitude toward God for being separate from and superior to the sinners out there. That often includes synods in fellowship, although that is expressed in conversation rather than sermons.
4. Because the given synod is perfect, anyone doubting this has broken fellowship.
5. Thanks to Enthusiasm and its works-righteousness, people are motivated by the Law, because sinners go to Hell from their lack of generosity and witness. "Every hour - 5,000 souls are going to Hell. What are you going to do about it?"
6. Lack of trust in the Word leads pastors and vicars into dramatizing whatever liturgy they have not removed. Nothing is more pathetic that a passionately delivered benediction botched when the vicar forgets where he is.
7. The sacraments divide, so baptismal regeneration is forgotten and Holy Communion is hidden. Infant baptism may be turned into a cute little spectacle.
8. Evil-doers (who have questioned Holy Mother Synod) are shunned. This practice keeps the body pure and sinless.
9. Uriah Heep confessions of generic sin are accompanied by an Antinominan attitude - there is no Law. Paradoxically, the Antinomian Pietists are the worst legalists of all. Horror is reserved for those who break the unwritten rules, not for doctrinal or marital infidelity.
10. As Augustine noted about all false teachers, Pietists demand tolerance until they are in power. Once toleration has established them, they purge all the Lutherans, delighting in their evil, relishing their vindictiveness.