Sunday, July 18, 2010

Church and Change Still Rules at the WELS Love Shack

Adam Mueller, Larry Olson, Jeff Gunn - all are righteous dudes in the new, confessional WELS.

This is under Missions at the WELS website. I get the joke. Anyone else?

Each month the Jesus Cares service is preceded by a fun-filled fellowship event that lasts about a half an hour. One month we hosted an Easter egg hunt, and then illustrated in the Service at the Cross the beautiful truths of the resurrection. Another month we played bean-bag-toss and awarded a trophy to the winner. But, as we learned later, that trophy does not compare to the happy assurance we have through Jesus, our Ascended Lord. This past month members of Jesus Cares navigated their way through a human checker-board and were “kinged.” Later we joined to sing “Crown Him with Many Crowns” to Jesus Christ, our only King. Each month the fun “come-event” is designed to serve as a connected object lesson to the service that follows.

We’ve found that inviting people to the fellowship beforehand is well-received. Many have begun to invite those they know from their homes or workplaces. The relaxed fellowship setting allows us to develop relationships with the different people who come, and put into practice our Christian love. Still, no matter how fun the fellowship may be, it doesn’t compare with the excitement they show in the Service at the Cross. One young man’s reaction will forever be etched in my mind. When Vicar Italiano announced that Jesus forgives all their sins, he blurted out, “YES!” and started clapping. Yes, indeed – Jesus cares!

Pastor Adam Mueller
Peace Lutheran Church
Kokomo, Indiana


GJ - Sending a Church and Change leader to Kokomo must be the equivalent of shipping a gambler to Las Vegas. Does it get any better?

Love the gimmicks, Adam. Everyone should take note - the Word does not draw people. God's Word is weak, so it needs bean bag tossing and other VBS games to get people inside to learn they are already guilt-free saints.

The WELS promotion of this claptrap shows that it remains committed to Enthusiasm in all forms. But we know that from Fox Valley, where Ski and Glende play around while soaking up enormous subsidies.

Given the kiddie games, I would rather see people drawn to church by ultimate high church worship, extreme high church, as long as the Word is taught. That would be different in today's Emerging Church climate.

Oh WELS, you almost had us fooled. We thought you were going to turn serious, but it was all smoke and mirrors...again. Talk a little. Move a few people to new positions. Hint at what may happen in the future. You are getting sleepy, very sleepy. Look at this light. Poof. Now no one remembers what was said before.