Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod

WELS Pastor Tim Glende posed with the Black-eyed Peas,
who appear rather uncomfortable.

I have established that the fake Ichabod blogger and the Anonymouse Shrinker blogger (same person) are from Appleton. I provoked the Appleton bunch and watched Feedjit. The moment Anonymouse posted, the Appleton light was glowing. It also revealed a Mac OS, which is somewhat rare among all computer users, but is used by The CORE Appleton bunch.

I get great intell from all over, eh?

After I revealed that, Anonymouse stopped posting comments. Appleton is a steady reader of this blog, and I am sure that includes more than a few people. Narcissists love reading about themselves.

Reactions are fun to watch. When a WELS member identified Glende as Cecil, always getting Beany (Ski) out of trouble, the Anonymouse Shrinker blog was erased completely, without warning. Getting too close?

Now that I am ruminating about Glende and the Columbus adulterous CG pastor connection, the fake Ichabod is silent. I looked over all his previous posts, which were a consistent testimony to the ignorance of Mequon graduates. There are some good WELS pastors, but that has to be in spite of their education and not because of it.

Here is the utter juiciness of the whole situation - whether the blog comes from Glende, a group around Glende, or another Appleton pal:

1. I never attended a session by false teacher when I was in WELS, except for two occasions - gathering intell on Schumann (Glende's non-WELS home congregation) at a CG conference; observing but not worshiping with Hybels at Willow Creek. But the Appleton bunch is active in attending non-Lutheran worship and "outreach" events, always being taught by false teachers.
2. The only ecumenical meetings I attended were the Columbus WELS pastors' meetings. I was the only Lutheran there. The Columbus pastors refused to hold circuit meetings until they were finally forced to do so. But Glende is currently attending non-Lutheran events and deceiving his own congregation about it - Driscoll, Andy Stanley, etc.
3. The fake blogger condemns me for actually knowing the content of famous Lutheran authors, but Glende preaches Groeschel each week and works with Ski to do the same.
4. What is the word the fake blogger likes to use? Hypocrisy! That would be the Glende bunch blogging against me quoting Lutherans while they plagiarize Groeschel and copy the New Age bunch.
5. The fake blogger condemned me for copying pictures, even though I customize photos (or get them from my helpers, customized). But the fake blogger copies my Photoshops without permission. What is the word I am thinking of? Oh yes - hypocrisy. WELS is full of such sanctimony but it seems purest in Appleton and at its prime when emerging from St. Peter, Freedom.
6. The fake blogger is always outraged about my humor, but his humor consists of posing a cat (my face) on a toilet and having people he names eating from that toilet. I hate to mention this disgusting display, but it says a lot about the mental state of the author, whoever he may be.
7. The fake blogger is full of condemnation, but what do we make of a pastor who attacks someone for losing two daughters to a mysterious disorder? This behavior comes from the "outreach" capital of the Wisconsin Synod. No wonder WELS is shrinking from the Shrinkers.
8. Last of all, the fake Ichabod pretends to be God's attack dog for orthodoxy, but his favorite themes are Church Growth and UOJ.

If Glende is so upset that I attended acadenic centers like Yale and Notre Dame, why is so protective of David Valleskey, who attended Fuller Seminary as a WELS pastor and lied about it? Does the Fox Valley circuit know what Lutheran doctrine is, what unionism is?

This is my favorite part. The fake Ichabod is known for his hissy-fits about Yale and Notre Dame, but Glende says he can do anything he wants in his parish because of "eight years of higher education."

And so little to show for it!

So why is it so bad to have the same years of accredited education (college plus seminary) plus a master's degree at Yale University (where Uncle John Brug studied) and seven years at Notre Dame, not to mention another master's in adult education and 20 hours in journalism. Glende's little college no longer exists, thanks to the Shrinkers he admires so much.

Moreover, I am not ashamed of my posts. I do not have to hide. Nor do I feel a compulsion to copy others. Instead, they copy me.


ELCA Pastor Craig Nehring

Weekly sermons has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

I'm sorry, but is this all you do during the day-post comments and then seek who is opposing you (and of course, brag about your education). Perhaps if you need to find something to do, you could actually be called to a church and serve as a pastor?


GJ - Unlike others who blog or spend their time posting on other blogs, I do have an education, not to mention decades of pastoral experience.

Craig and Tim, you blog with an MDiv and a few years of experience.

I mention education because the WELS pastors have this routine about how superior their education is. That venture into higher education apparently excludes grammar, spelling, and Lutheran doctrine.

Craig, confidentially - it is significant that the Number Two in ELCA, Stan Olson, who graduated from Luther, was a fellow student with me in the doctoral seminar at Yale University, where I earned an STM. By the way, his official ELCA bio still says he grew up on a "diary farm," so I figure ELCA is a bit slow on spelling, too.

My normal readership is 1,000 page reads a day, so some think it is worthwhile to stop and browse a while.

I welcome gratuitous comments, especially from ELCA pastors.


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

In response to Weekly sermons:

Pastor Jackson was called to Bethany and serves as pastor. You want to talk about weekly sermons? Scroll down a couple of posts and you will find Pastor GJ's sermon printed for all to see. The services are recorded on vimeo stream (spelling?) and Bible classes can also be viewed. He has plenty to do and sees to the medical needs of his wife. At this very moment, Pastor GJ is trying to complete a book for publication. Are any of us this multi-tasked? He recently down-sized his library, and offered theIchabod readers some of the best books by Lutheran teachers. If this isn't enough, did I mention the countless phone calls and personal emails from GJ's Synodical Lutheran pastor and laymen friends?(95% which are WELS!!)

The people who oppose Glende are WELS pastors and laity who alerted Pastor Jackson. Tim Glende should count himself lucky! Pastor GJ is being very gracious and has NOT posted some very real disturbances. Intrepid Lutherans would not be in existance if it were not for the efforts of Ichabod. When our Creeds and Lutheran Confessions are gone, we will be just like the ELCA (or worse!) Yes, it is all in the name of Christian Freedom. The apostasy defines this as having no rules. Check out the Sectarian Worship series on Intrepid Lutherans, where an on-going discussion is being held.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


peeved ( has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

Pr. Jackson, once you pointed out the shortcomings in their canonized David Valleskey, you were in trouble. Idolatry is at the heart of it.


wildcard ( has left a new comment on your post "Just Supposing Tim Glende Is the Fake Ichabod":

I will go further and state that they idolize themselves and their own opinions – no matter how ridiculous their opinions may be.


GJ - You are right. If they had a real DP--instead of Doug the Unready--the problems would be addressed. Deputy Doug thinks I am the problem. Is that rich? He blamed me and this little blog in his letter - when he failed to show up for the meeting.

Maybe he should be called Dougout Doug.

Captn Huffnpuff is pretty accurate too.

The Holy Spirit district re-elected him. Another DP, Free, said Doug was "worthless."