Thursday, July 22, 2010

Norman Teigen Asks

Norman likes smaller cats.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "WELS Feminists - Church and Change":

GJ: What do you mean about women acting like women and men acting like women? I am confused and request that you provide some enlightenment. Are there certain things, other than the obvious, e.g. child-bearing, that can be specifically male or female? How does this line of thinking apply to the general place of women in the church? Can women teach men, for example, when women are better educated on a certain topic than are some men?

Norman Teigen
Lutheran Layman


GJ - The male church leaders act like fainting women. They cannot even acknowledge the anti-Biblical errors being promoted right under their noses. The male laity and pastors do not have the courage or sense to vote the apostates out. They are all a bunch of girly-girls because they are afraid of the big bucks behind apostasy. Leaders and followers - all girly-girls.

WELS Church Lady has posted a lot of intelligent and funny comments about the situation. She is far more courageous than the ordained pastors. She understands justification by faith while the rest say, "Duh. Now that is OJ and that is SJ."

I was not advocating women taking over. WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect are doing that. I did not promote the feminist conference led by Church and Changers. SP Schroeder did that - twice.

I need some free publicity too, so I can beg for some grants. How about a link on the ELS page? Let's face it - no one will notice it anyway.