Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Together - Hydra

Two hundred thirty women gathered July 16-18 at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., for the second National WELS Women's Leadership Conference. The conference included worship, general sessions, and breakout sessions focused on the theme "Leading with a Christ-like attitude."

"I really appreciated the continued reminder that it all starts with the Word," says Mary Meissner, a member at St. John, Wauwatosa, Wis.

One of those reminders came from Rev. Richard Gurgel, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, who presented a general session on Saturday that focused on the importance of personal Bible study. He emphasized to attendees that those who lead and encourage need to seek God's face in personal study of his Word.

Kathie Wendland, a member at St. Peter, Mishicot, Wis., presented the keynote address, which was based on Philippians. Wendland explained that a Christ-like attitude begins by understanding the theology of the cross. She then discussed how to live and lead with a Christ-like attitude.

Besides emphasizing the importance of being in God's Word, the conference also equipped women to organize women's ministries within their congregations and to confidently share the message of salvation with those around them.

To learn more about the conference and its sponsoring organization, the WELS Women's Ministry Committee, visit www.wels.net/women.

Church and Change promoted in the President's Newsletter - nothing new about that in WELS.


rhs (http://rhs.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Together - Hydra":

He emphasized to attendees that those who lead and encourage need to seek God's face in personal study of his Word.

“seek God’s face”? What kind of new age mysticism is this? Perhaps it is just a manner of speech. Or it may be appealing to an intuitive grasp of the Almighty. In either case it opens the door to more nonsense.


GJ - It was a Church and Change conference with C and C leaders, so everyone should expect a Schwaermer leader. It's a Gurgle.

I understand Rich's booklet was so badly done that it needed several major revisions before NPH published it. No wonder the feminists wanted him to speak.

PS - The Hydra explains WELS, although a few heads are missing. It comes down to the money people in the Jeske circle. They include many districts so all the DPs are afraid of losing money, and that fear is alive at the national level too.

For example, Gunn is propped up with special gifts. Ski and Glende, ditto. Columbus Ohio has been a mess because of one rich man bewitched by Church Growth.

One of the Jeske boys gave a half million to WLC, so you think Englebrecht will meet with commoners? Ha.

The irony is this - If WELS trusted the Word of God, they would actually discipline according to doctrine rather than dollars, and the money would still be there. As Luther said, what they want most they will never have. No sect is more money-grubbing and no synod is so poor.


One Eponymous Archon (https://me.yahoo.com/oneeponymousarchon) has left a new comment on your post "Together - Hydra":

". . . the conference also equipped women to organize women's ministries
within their congregations . . ."

Hmmmm? I wonder if these women are going to check with the men (Pastor,
Elders, Council) before they "organize" anything?

Also, since they themselves are organizing whatever group or class this
happens to be, will they allow the Pastor to have spiritual guidance and
oversight OVER them?

Finally, when the keynote address was delivered I wonder what the Pastors
who were present - if there were any, and I assume there were - "learned" at
the feet of this woman prophet, and how this fits with First Timothy 2:12?

Oh, wait, I forgot, certain passages of the Bible don't apply when the
female performance at the teaching podium in front of men - sometimes whole
rooms full of Pastors even - is sponsored by the synod, like, for example,
at the Worship Conference, and at Youth Rallies, and such. I'm sure I will
be enlightened sooner rather than later.

Oh well, so much for the ol' "Headship Principle" and "Order of Creation" in
the WELS of today, eh? I'm glad Carl Lawrence and W.R. Gawrisch aren't alive
anymore to witness this sorry spectacle. But then again, even in their day a
number of women walked out on their presentations concerning Headship and
Order, and nothing was ever done about them. So this is really not all that

When a church body sows the wind, in this case caving in to the whims and
whining of wives, sisters, sweethearts, daughters, mothers, etc., the
whirlwind of "women's leadership," and then women voters, and eventually
women Pastors, will be the harvest; sure as the Lord's return!

But hey, the WELS is as pure as mother's milk, right? Maybe we ought to
change that to father's milk. More accurate in this case.

One Eponymous Archon


GJ - It was endorsed by SP Schroeder so that makes it fine.

Al Barry did the same thing years ago, at worship service not deemed a worship service, when a husband and wife together did the Schwaermer sermon which was billed as a Bible study. Al was there, and the rate of decline increased.

Lyle Schaller, the only Schaller WELS listens to, said that men abandon positions once a woman has been placed in it. Gone are the male Sunday School teachers, male SS Superintendents, etc.

"Resist the beginnings," Lenski said, but he was wrong right on justification, so he does not count.