rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Antinomianism - The Law Is Obsolete":
I believe that President John Adams once said that "facts are stubborn things". There are those timid ones who will always avoid conflict, even to the point of abandoning their faith. In the WELS, blood is often thicker than doctrine. Digital photos of pastors with a Playboy model will circulate for a long time on the Net. Pietistic shunning and lame attempts to discredit a reliable source no longer work today. WELS pastors and laity can tell the truth to each other publicly and privately without worrying about a water carrier asking - "who told you?". The WELS brainwashing tools are powerful. But the Word of God is quicker and more powerful than any double edged sword.
When I first witnessed bullying, deception, and intimidation by WELS called workers, I was taken aback. Finally, I realized that much of management in private sector employment behaves in a more ethical manner. Hourly employees were permitted to voice their opposition to management, if done so respectfully, without fear of reprisal. In fact, at my present employer, the Federal anti-retaliation law is displayed on the company bulletin boards, as required by law.
GJ - Telling the truth suppresses the criminal element, the clergy who violate the law and continue in office, the way DP Ed Werner did. One pastor managed a DWI and a world missionary call within a short period of time. How arrogant is that, to thrust a drunk upon a trusting population in the name of Christianity?
Absolving the unrepentant only hardens their hearts, but that is done without remorse by those with similarly hardened hearts. Or, as my pappy used to say, "There is no love like the love of one drunk for another."
Meanwhile, the anonymous grapevine corrupts the criminal element, driving away decent members and pastors while protecting felons. Many WELS people know how they demanded the truth about Mrs. Tabor being murdered, only to have The Love Shack protect the murderer and move him to a new call in Escanaba, Michigan - to serve a congregation there!