Thursday, August 12, 2010

Response From Michael Schottey

Whoopee Worship Leaders. Do not worry. DP Buchholz is doing something about CrossRoads Covenant Church. [Repeat CrossRoads message every 12 months.]

Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "Blinded by the Vision":

Ahh silly Bored,

You are quite late to the party. I'm not going to trumpet my "resume" here, but here is a quick refresher course.

I've been fighting battles with church and change types for years--coordinating groups and constantly making sure the people of God are informed. I graduated from MLC but part of the reason I did not attend WLS was my inability to "stick my head in the sand."

Until you start signing an actual name to things I would ask you kindly to keep your words to yourself and to peddle your "discernment" jabs elsewhere, go ahead.

As for me, I will wait until something is actually done before I start calling it schwaermer.

For all we know, Worship 2.0 is going to involve adding an extra hymn or using the new supplement more. Maybe they're just going to reinvest in choir groups--singing more than once-in-a-blue-moon.

Furthermore, it looks like they're planning a reeducation of their people on the historical background of the liturgy--something ALL our churches should be doing!

Frankly, until then, all we know is that whatever they've been doing is being done poorly.


GJ - I respect Michael for posting his comments with his name on them. Sometimes I disagree with him, but at least I know I am dealing with a named person, not a nameless mirage.

Knowing how the Shrinkers pound anyone who dares think for himself, I welcome anonymous comments. More people are naming themselves. Given the behavior of the WELS Doctrinal Pussycats, I do not blame anyone for remaining anonymous.

We need more Lutherans like Michael Schottey and Brett Meyer, not to mention a few more laity and pastors who have used their own names.

Michael has indeed opposed Whoopee Worship, has gone out of his way to do it. That deserves respect.

The LCMS pastors (real, fake, and Roman) are more likely to attack using their own names. Unfortunately for them, their aim is poor, and they make themselves look ridiculous.