Friday, September 17, 2010

Listen Up, Maggots - It's Constitution Day

September 17th - The US Constitution was signed.

Do you know what is in this unique document?

Can you find what is wrong with open borders?

Why is the current president not legitimately in office?


GJ - When I taught in Yuma, many of our students were from the Marine base. That was the only classroom where I could say, "Listen up, maggots!" and get away with it. The civilians were a little shocked until I explained, "The Marines are used to verbal abuse."

I met a lot of heroes in that classroom and in Phoenix. One was a Navy SEAL, who almost needed waterboarding to reveal his actual role in the military. Real SEALs are modest. Another was the first combat parachutist into enemy territory since WWII.

One was a tiny guy who directed jets taking off from an aircraft carrier, a job that was life-threatening for the ground crew as well as the air crew. I asked, "How did you like that?" He beamed, "I loved it!"

Those are just some of the people defending our Constitution. I wish the citizens and politicians did as much for that unique document. If we do not know it, we will lose it.