But suborning promiscuity makes a pastor CRM.
That Katie Perry is not even a good looking tramp. Sorry I do not see the thing about her. I guess Fox Valley does however.
I think there is something rotten in Denmark as they say about this whole Frey resignation. I think you are right in that MLS will close soon. I think Frey knew or knows and does not want to be the guy doing the dirty job of closing this school. I think the closing is very close and once announced enrollment will as you say drop like a lead balloon. WELS is out of money. I do not think folks are going to give anymore than they are, not only because of the economy, but what is going on in this synod.
WELS leaders think everybody is dumb as to what is going on. Well, as with what is going on in this country, folks have just about had it with the way WELS does things. So folks may not speak up but they will close the wallet and if all else fails hit the door. The SP needs to get tough and go after these C&C jerks or else resign himself. I do not care. Time to stand up or stand down.
The above comments you can most certainly print on Ichabod.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Fake-O-Bod Dodges the Islamic Question at Martin L...":
"What were the circumstances? That’s the thing, my friends. I can only serve the school by this resignation if I am able to take the reasons with me."
What a pathetic display of mental hand wringing meant to portray sincere angst while deceiving most people by kicking up as much silt as possible to muddy the water.
At this point, regardless of the reason he's leaving, it's quite clear he never should have been there in the first place since he cannot be honest. He clearly lacks the bone structure to speak clearly and truthfully much less stand erect.
Just another wonderful example of the deceptive characters the laity in the (W)ELS have entrusted, without question, with the care of their souls.
They love to talk about the Bereans and how iron sharpens iron but there is very little of either in the (W)ELS and of what there is they seem to be intent on salvaging the very institution that has committed itself to their destruction.
Can someone please post the last public statement Pres. Schroeder published which condemns the false teaching and practices that's running rampant through the Appleton district? I can't seem to find it.
(no wonder the Intrepids won't post my comments)
GJ - Mr. Frey has unfriended me. Sigh. DP Seifert and Frey agree that he is eligible for a call, which reminds me of the Tabor and Just cases. Pastor Tabor aided in murdering his wife but moved to a new call in Escanaba, where he served for a period of time. Al Just murdered his wife, but WELS defended him with a busload of supporters at his trial and VP Huebner's father testifying about Al's sterling character.
Given the record of Church and Change false teachers promoted and funded, but never canned, anyone would agree that Frey is eminently and immanently callable. All he did was express the WELS philosophy, honed--or rather dulled--by years of UOJ hyperbole. Fred Adrian's married vicar had an affair with a minor girl in Fred's earlier congregation, resulting in a very expensive lawsuit. Nevertheless, Adrian was pronounced callable by no less a personage the DP Seifert. More could be said on that score, but the deeds of Michigan get tedious, even if they would make a scandalous prime time reality show.
Question in doctrine class, led by MLS ex-president Frey: "How far can a minor go sexually, since many of us are as young as 14?" I used my own wording, since Frey is not providing a verbatim account.
President Frey: "As far as your conscience allows."
Encouraging children to add themselves to the sex offenders list is not a good idea, from a litigation perspective - which is the only thing that matters to WELS. If it costs them money, they are not pleased. However, they are willing to forget in a few years. Al Just is innocent, although he was convicted and also confessed. Tabor was never convicted, so he must be innocent. Only his mistress was guilty.
Criminal behavior, even among clergy, is expensive. After enough time has elapsed, the innocent may still help pay the bills. Many more simply flee the evildoers. Why bother to argue with people so bent on self-destruction? They will not listen to law enforcement. They resent the insurance people clamping down on their forgiven-in-advance style of excuses. The corrupt leadership says, "Sit down with them" and "Write letters to them." Once that is done, the same leaders get even. Sitting down with them or writing a letter is the equivalent of a signed confession of sin. Such people must be expelled to keep Holy Mother Synod running smoothly.
More from Aaron Frey's blog, suggesting his ex-employers would like him to zip it, immediately:
I hope that your online experience will help to wake up some people in our circles who slobber after a certain para-Lutheran blogger. They hang on his every word because he supports certain opinions they have about the synod. His behavior here shows that he has no love of the gospel. He only wants to spread as many negative rumors about the “higher ups” in the synod that he can. I hope that his treatment of you will get them to see his true nature as a vengeful rumormonger.
grumpy has left a new comment on your post "More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Curr...":
Off the record,
On the QT,
And VERY Hush-Hush...
So, Doc Jackson, what is it....resignation because you don't want to be the Captain of the Titanic, or resignation because you don't want to be forced out because of contributing to the delinquency of minors?
Gentle readers, I think NEITHER is the solution to THIS mystery. Doesn't make sense...
If a sinking ship, what has changed so dramatically for MLS in less than 10 months?
MLS has such a strong backing in WELS that it will, in all likelihood, outlast most of the readers and writers of this blog.
If granting young ones' libidos free reign, why no mass postings on Facebook, Myspace, various blogs, etc.
Watergate could not be covered up by a somewhat competent government (competent compared to today anyway...)...can we believe silence would rule in this case? Surely the class that heard this, as well as the rest of the student body, would twitter, tweet and squawk all over the WEB by now.
Hep cats and cool kitties, I think we are being played by both those story lines.
Off the record,
On the QT,
And VERY Hush-Hush...
GJ - Frey has managed to make things even worse with his public no-comment comments and his labored explanations and self-absolution, called by Nixonians a modified limited hang-out.
I verified what happened. The anonymous thug at Fake-O-Bod demands to know my sources. So he can picture them and name them eating cat excrement from a toilet bowl? That is the Church and Change method of honoring the Eighth Commandment, also translated as - WHO TOLD YOU?
Then genius of WELS lying - there are always two or more stories to digest: one is true, one is false, and others are variations and blends. Getting to the true story is a sin against Holy Mother Synod, aka, the Holy Spirit. Unforgivable.
I think you’ll feel better if you re-read the Large Catechism, especially Dr. Luther’s comments on the Eighth Commandment. I have committed no great, public sin that has to be covered up. There are just the unnecessary conjectures and false accusations that have been made since my resignation.
And I’m afraid I don’t understand the reference to Scott Jungen. Did he mention something of importance I should be aware of on a website or something?