Sunday, September 19, 2010

Publication Plans

Cover design and artwork by Norma Boeckler

I have uploaded the second rough draft of Luther versus Pietistic UOJ: Justification by Faith.
The PDF download is free.

I receive so much enjoyment and fulfillment from studying these doctrinal issues. I wish others would do more of the same.

God willing I will have a finished version ready for Reformation Day this year, with improvements to follow later. More research is developing.

Thy Strong Word will also be ready from in the near future, perhaps by the same date. The original volume was 650 pages, so this will be a big book.

I would like to devote some donations to promoting the books. That can be done in a number of ways:
1. Sending them to Lutheran libraries.
2. Having them reviewed - not likely but it can happen.
3. Providing several of them as e-books, which costs an extra $200 to prepare. My choices would be CLP and Luther versus the UOJ Pietists.

The costs add up but they are worth it. The WELS Shrinkers in Texas felt they had to organize a conference just to prop up their wheezing gasbag UOP opinions. Thy Strong Word has fueled many a debate where the laity have trounced their UOJ opponents. The last defense of UOJ I heard from a WELS DP was, "I haven't unpacked your book yet."