Saturday, October 23, 2010

From a Reader

“God’s Word Is Our Great Heritage”

What does it mean to be a “Confessional” Lutheran? It

means to confess the truth of historic Lutheranism, to be

faithful to the three great pillars of the Reformation: by

grace alone, by faith alone and by Scripture alone.

October 31st marked another anniversary of when Martin

Luther nailed his 95 Theses against the sale of indulgences

to the Castle Church door in Wittenberg, Germany. On that

“Hallowed eve” before all-Saints Day, hundreds of people

would be coming into the church to begin celebrating the

November 1st festival. Many consider this landmark event

the trigger that sparked the Reformation.

What Luther did with hammer and nails on October 31st

was hardly noticed. But once people started reading his

theses, many saw that this doctor of Theology had again

discovered—not revolutionized!—something in the

Scriptures! The theses were never publicly debated as

Luther had hoped, but they were printed and circulated

throughout Germany and other areas. Today, we enjoy the

benefit of his discovery... the truth restored that we are

saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ!!!

May God give us such courage to defend His Truth as

Luther who risked his position, his years of study and even

his life so that we might enjoy purity of doctrine. May we

never fail to thank God for His blessing to His church!