Orange County's Vicki Gunvalson Hospitalized for Internal Bleeding

Real Housewives of Orange County's Vicki Gunvalson has been hospitalized for internal bleeding. TMZ reports she's being held overnight for "observation for upper G.I. problems." Last week Gunvalson filed for divorce from her husband of 16 years, Don.
GJ - Vicki and Don are members of Rick Warren's Purpose-Filled Church - Saddleback. Mrs. Ichabod and I were at the Gunvalson home for a party. Don wanted me to say how much I liked Rev. Warren. The topic came up because we stopped earlier that day at Saddleback, where Chris talked us into getting inside to watch Warren goof around.
Vicki sponsored the insurance conference because of her ambition. She is already Top of the Table, the Jedi Knight rating in insurance sales. The party was supposed to be taped for the TV show. Nothing untoward happened and we left on the early bus.