Let's see: glasses, cool head mike, timing lights, stole...
Stop laughing!"
November 23, 2010
ELCA Joins Effort to Keep Clean Air Act Regulatory Authority Intact
The denominations and faith-based organizations released a joint letter to the Senate Nov. 23 in which they stated they "are called to protect and serve God's great creation and work for justice for all of God's people."
"We believe that the United States must take all appropriate and available actions to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. We therefore urge you to oppose any efforts to undermine the authority of the Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas emissions," according to the letter. In particular, the religious groups noted challenges to the Clean Air Act from U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., who has proposed delaying regulation of greenhouse gases by the Environmental Protection Agency.
"We urge you to protect the Clean Air Act and allow the Environmental Protection Agency to use the full strength of the law to ensure that God's creation and God's children remain healthy," the letter stated.
Specifically, some council members may be elected whose skills and expertise are deemed crucial to the governance of the ELCA. The council also proposed eliminating a number of advisors because costs cannot be justified as mission support declines. Input from these constituencies could be provided in other ways, according to the background information.
Christina Jackson-Skelton, ELCA treasurer, said the projection for 2011 current fund income is a decrease of nearly $2.5 million from revised estimates for 2010. In particular, the 2011 budget is based on $48 million in anticipated mission support income, reduced from the $51 million in anticipated mission support for 2010, she said. The estimate for ELCA World Hunger income for 2011 is $1.7 million less than for 2010.
GJ - ELCA is favor of abortion for any reason, but opposed to capital punishment for convicted criminals. They give innocent babies the death penalty, without the benefit of a trial, yet WELS and Missouri both work with ELCA gladly.
ELCA is worried about the Clean Air Act yet spends its dwindling resources on more political lobbying.
Mark Hanson has total control of the structure, or the Lavender Mafia has total control of him. Either way, he appears to be the senile, doddering old fool of British comedy, flexible about the Ten Commandments, obstinate about his power.