Sunday, November 28, 2010

Seminary Swindle Information - While DPs Keep the Loot Marked "For Missions"

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Someone Thanked Ichabod - Really Bruce Church - Fo...":

Additional pages on the seminary swindle:

Fake Pastoral Shortage in the LCMS:

Honey, I Shrunk the Stats:

Lutheran Pastors Getting Swindled:

Avoid the Seminary Swindle:

Warning to Bethany, MLC, and WLC: Another One Bites the Dust:

Coming Soon - More Information on the Bogus Lutheran Clergy Shortage:

This page:


GJ - Someone sent a thankyou note, and that led to this set of links, thanks to Bruce Church again.

Missouri Lutherans - you are paying for ankle-deep carpeting, walnut desks, and Cuban stogies for the DPs. Meanwhile, the students are expected to pay a fortune, enslaving their wives, hoping perhaps they might get a call and pay down their government loans before they die.

Think twice before borrowing to go to seminary. The degree is useless apart from serving in the denomination. They will take all your money and say, "Sorry, no call for you. We heard you threw spit-wads in third grade at St. Ferdy's Lutheran School."