ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible
The Intrepid Lutherans (sic) are starting to spice it up a little on their blog. They have admitted that DP Janke's secret trial of Berg was dead wrong. DP John Seifert did the same thing to Marc (son of Salty) Schroeder. Seifert charged Schroeder with unionism, which was funny, considering Seifert's ardent support of WELS unionism at the national level. Janke was famous for marching in and getting rid of pastors. WELS and Missouri DPs are utterly full of themselves.
The ELS is thankful that Pope John the Malefactor has never fallen into the same temptation, to use his office to settle a personal grudge, to manipulate a congregation into destroying the concept of a divine call.
I was going to write about the success of WELS in suppressing all discussion, but the last two days have brought surprises galore. Dissent is breaking out in various ways, an equal and opposite reaction to the efforts to stifle discussion.
When WELS and the Little Sect pose as orthodox Lutherans while embracing the worst aspects of ELCA, denouncing ELCA for being gay unionists, the comatose tend to wake up. The synods used to control the news through their secrets, their managed press, and the cheerful obedience of Herman Otten, the pan-Lutheran PR man.
The new conundrum cannot be solved. How can the apostates brag on the Net about their disgusting doctrine and practice while keeping it a secret from the Net? We all know what preening peacocks they are, strutting around with Jesus on their speed-dial.
Some try secret list-serves, but moles break in and steal their precious secrets. Others have password access to their websties. Blogs also have limited reading lists. But the Net was invented to be de-centralized, to keep information from being blocked, so all efforts are futile. "All your IP are belong to us."
We geezers have the time and equipment to search for information and share it generously, as so many do with Ichabod. The college and high school students are doing the same, and they have better contacts with the school system.
I have several recent examples of WELSian stuffed shirts wigging out over Ichabod. The details point to individuals, who would suffer from Wisconsin truncheon counseling methods if I gave away too much.
By now most people realize that Matthew 18 is just another manipulation from the Wisconsin sect. When someone sends a polite email, asking a WELS minister to explain UOJ, the email is not even acknowledged in 10 days. Several people have given me recent examples.
WELS clergy can engage in defamation of character, not acknowledge a personal certified letter, and still receive a divine call from WELS. And why not? The SP is no different. The WELS clergy answer what they want to answer. But oh how they have reams to say about the errors of sins of everyone else. Without blushing, they condemn the gaity of ELCA, even though only one college double-features a homosexual video starring its students - Martin Luther (sic) College. Does anyone wonder why I nicknamed it Mary Lou College? Not anymore.
A WELS pastor can murder his wife and move to a new call, so why fuss over such a little matter? The precedent has been set, and who cares, since the murder was so long ago?
If a WELS teacher murders his wife and lies about it, he is innocent, because the system prefers lies that favor its PR rather than the therapy of the truth.
"Have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?" WELS answers - "We'll get you and your little dog too."
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible":
The contentious ELS issues of the past ten years have been resolved
(W)ELS President John Moldstad showed himself an Antichrist by taking it upon himself to violently remove a called pastor from his divine call by direct manipulation of the local congregation.
I present a quote from C.F.W. Walther’s article posted in Der Lutheraner, 1867 which shows how closely (W)ELS President Moldstad acted as Pastor Grabau many years ago.
“As our readers know, Pastor Grabau shamefully dismissed and expelled his former so-called 'Deacon' (Diakonus), Pastor Hochstetter, from his office when he no longer wanted to allow himself merely to be Grabau's compliant slave. Grabau himself dismissed Hochstetter with no "appearance of right," without any due process, simply by the brutal authority of his trustees whom he urged on and mislead into such action. This was all the more shameful because earlier Pastor Grabau himself had battled against this sort of thing as if against a barbarism when the Trustees here in America had ventured to establish and dismiss pastors, to open and close churches, to promise church property according to their own wishes to this or that party that pleased them, and in addition to misuse the authority given to them thorough the civil laws in several of our states. Pastor Grabau, who earlier apparently battled for the holiness of the preaching office, committed a horrendous crime against a sacred thing, a robbery of the church, when against all right he carried out this violent expulsion of a Christian preacher, a minister of Christ and His church. It appears to him also, now that the deed is done, not to have been an especially praiseworthy thing to do. It seems his conscience accused him and bit at him and the thought came to him that he had revealed and branded himself before the entire church, indeed, before the entire world to be an enemy of all divine and Christian order (wherever these stand in the way of his plans and especially of his desire to rule)."
May John Moldstad and the condoning congregations repent of this grievous wrong and make amends or, whimpering, receive their just reward.
Patrick Loroff:
You are not infallible, Pastor Jackson. Please don't make yourself out to be with all this WELS-bashing.
GJ - Non sequitur, Patrick. That implies that an infallible person would sing the praises of WELS night and day.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Intrepids Shocker - District Popes Not Infallible":
(W)ELS Bashing
We've heard that accusation for years. What does it mean when exposing the public false practice and teaching, (W)ELS financial support of murder through the carnage waged by the United Nations against men, women and children around the world and abortion promotion and practice, (W)ELS Ecumenical efforts which lead people away from the pure Word, (W)ELS relentless promotion and teaching of their false gospel of Universal Objective Justification, exposing the cover up of (W)ELS clergy murders and molestations, etc etc etc... are all taken to be "bashing".
What does that say about the people who the (W)ELS finances the murder of? What does it say about the people who are led away from Christ by (W)ELS false doctrine and practice? What does it say about the people who were murdered and molested by (W)ELS clergy?
It places their spiritual and personal well being below the interests and "Holy Mother Synod" aura of the (W)ELS.
Typical of the discernment of the (W)ELS and clear compass to their final destination.
GJ - The WELS defense of false doctrine and impenitent sin is to cry "WELS-bashing," a term adapted from homosexual activists, who call natural law "gay-bashing."