Sunday, December 26, 2010

Meet the Real Confessionals -
Church and Change, (Je)UsFirst, Etc.

The "conservative" Lutherans hear about Stetzer, Sweet, Driscoll, Stanley, and Groeschel all the time. They even listen to their sermons, indirectly. The "conservative" Lutherans do not know H. E. Jacobs.

The apostates are the real confessionals in Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie.

They believe in their cause and never give up. They support one another and undermine the feeble opposition at every turn.

They clamor for grants and get them, because they make sure their own people are in the influential positions, on committees and commissions and boards and staffs.

They raise a terrible cry if their position is threatened in any way.

They shun anyone who even threatens to disagree with them, and they gut those who actually do.

They also have a group of leaders who frown at them to placate the base but give them whatever they want.