Thursday, December 2, 2010

Narrow Minded Editorial

Tweedle-Glende and Tweedle-Ski, supervised by The Mad Hatter

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Comment and a Correction from Ichabod Hisself":

Whenever I hear, "We're going to take this material and put a Lutheran twist on it," I about grind my teeth to the gums. For example, I received an email yesterday from CTSFW promoting a few guys from "Focus on the Family" coming to visit next week. Lutherans must not be able to discern Scripture, BOC, and "Luther's Works," because we must invite pietistic Arminian Nazarenes to educate us in how to balance family and ministry. Will "Focus on the Family" invite CTSFW to their studio in Colorado to promote the proper distinction between Law and Gospel?

This reminds me of an Islam seminar I attended at CTSFW a few years ago. Although it was very informative, one of the featured speakers was a Calvinist. He made light of that fact and joked about it a few times during his presentation, as if we should all think it's cute. How many "Lutherans" there thought it was cute? I don't know, as I don't recall how many snickers I heard.

Are Baptists ashamed of being Baptists? Are Arminians ashamed of being Arminians? Do Rome and Constantinople tiptoe around everyone else? Does Canterbury run around and apologize for their apostasy? One can only conclude that since Pietism is the default religion of sinful man, Lutherans must cower in the woodwork, since orthodox Lutheranism is the only confession in Christendom that teaches Salvation solely by God's Grace, not Faith-plus-works.

Even if I only have to "make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior," I have just made a pietist contribution of my own a condition for my salvation. If the Coast Guard rescues my dog-paddling tookus from the middle of the sea after my ship has sunk, do I say, "Boy, I'm sure glad I made a decision to grab that raft?" It's all about the Means of Grace.


GJ - I invented a new doctrine to cover this - The Non-Reciprocity of the False Teachers. They want to tell Lutherans what is wrong with Lutheran doctrine and worship, and get plenty of money to do it, while selling books, tapes, and DVDs. They will not reciprocate in any way.

Ask Andy Stanley to sell a Lutheran book on baptismal regeneration and infant baptism! at his religious shopping center, Northpoint. Never! But WELS flocks to learn from him.

Throw in all the other false teachers adored by Missouri, WELS, the Little Sect on the Prairie, and yes - the horrid little CLC (sic). The same non-reciprocity applies.

Warning to readers--whether clergy, laity, or students--do not bring this up among peers. They will go crazier than bugs in a frying pan.