Friday, December 24, 2010

Narrow-Minded Thoughts

Synodical spin

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Some Denominations Have a Sense of Shame":

Although slightly off-topic, I read that the LCMS is in "talks" with the Anglican Church In North America. The ACNA appears to be a "conservative" body of Episcopal refugees, although the caveat was issued that they are not in fellowship talks. On the other hand, the ANCA also appears to already be having the female ordination debate.

Perhaps Missouri should get her own house in order first. This story reminds me of some Missouri DP's that like to run the show, a la Benke that does the 2001 Yankee Stadium deal anyway, although he and the SP knew it was wrong and would damage the synod. The SP "absolved" Benke at the 2004 convention, then further encouraged unionism and syncretism.

Pity the poor confessional pastoral candidate getting a call in some of the Ablaze/CG/CW/open Communion districts. Although Missouri DP's are not lifetime appointments, they don't have to be serving a parish and can "serve" by being mere pencil-pushers. Yet, they can railroad the calling parish and the pastoral candidate. So much for the "Divine Call."

Perhaps the LCMS can help the ACNA sneak through female ordination with the use of "commissioned ministers," for IRS benefits, of course. And let's not forget that the LCMS now argues their polity is hierarchical, a la the suit against the four ladies in Oakland, after their DP said any warm body could administer Word and Sacrament when refusing to give them a pastor. "They got an Episcopal priest(-ess?) to serve them, so let's descend upon them and seize that six-million-dollar property."

The ladies repented of their error, so instead of forgiving them ,like WE were supposed to do after the Yankee Stadium deal that was followed with NO repentance, the LCMS will descend upon them with a heavy hand. Next time you throw money in the plate that God has entrusted to you, LCMS-ers, think about what you're financing. Although I have my share of differences with Cascione, I agree with him on this point in regards to stewardship.


GJ - Cascione is entitled to be right every few years!

The Episcopal Church USA thinks a bishop should not be a cover-up artist, the way Bishop Bennison Jr. is, simply because their polity allows it.

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect disagree. They reward felonious cover-ups.

Bishop Bennison Sr. is now dead. The Kalamazooo Cathedral that he built had to be sold to a mega-church. I attended a Lutheran service there, in honor of the LCA-Anglican coziness. Anglicans hovered in the background but did not participate in the service. Since then, ELCA and the Episcopal Church have swirled down the drain together, with joint this and joint that.

WELS, Missouri, and the Little Sect think they can work jointly with Stetzer, Sweet, Driscoll, Beeson, Stanley, and other frauds, prospering through deception. "We are Lutheran on the outside, but we deliver Enthusiasm on the inside - which is what you really want. We know that from spending millions of your dollars at Fuller and the other beehives of Enthusiasm. We are so bold that we invite Leonard Sweet to every Missouri cat-hanging."