Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Push Back Means Blow Back, Too

I Photoshopped Ski and Glende's favorite DP, after I did the same for an ELCA bishop.
The ELCA bishop's office got their version from Faith in Moline, purely by mistake. They were not amused.

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Controlling the Masses with Biblical Deception":

The result of WELS push-back has been some blow-back. Many in the WELS will not play this game of follow the leader. They have figured out that talking to the leaders first about public sin, i.e. false doctrine, is an exercise in futility.

They will either remain silent, grumble amongst themselves, or seek another outlet, like Ichabod. The lack of accountability and the implied infallibility of WELS leadership drives many in the WELS bonkers. I have witnessed much better ethics in the secular workplace. At my employer, we have access to a third party whistle blower for extreme cases of ethical violations. We can remain anonymous to all parties involved, without rear of retribution. Ichabod is our third whistle blower. When we go public here at Ichabod, we can say - "come and go after us now, for we now have a multitude of witnesses".


GJ - Notice that Glende continues to blog "anonymously" while using the 8 and 18 bait and switch.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Push Back Means Blow Back, Too":

They want to close the schools to get rid of our doctrine

Justification, the central article of Christ's doctrine, the one doctrine which confessed correctly makes a person a Christian and condemns a person if confessed incorrectly, has been perverted within all Lutheran synods as their official teaching promotes Universal Objective Justification. The doctrine is already gone. The majority of the few left, who do reject UOJ and confess Justification by Faith Alone as Scripture clearly teaches and the Book of Concord correctly explain and confirm, are too timid to openly defend Christ's doctrine and stand firmly and publicly for the Truth of God's Word.

The New Age Emergent apostates don't need to close the schools to get rid of unwanted doctrine. They need to close the schools to funnel the available money to further their aims at boiling the frog and ushering in the New Age of Ecumenical cooperation under the Antichrist. The laity are financing this right now at the expense of their spiritual wellfare and that of their children.

bruce-church (http://bruce-church.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Push Back Means Blow Back, Too":

Ichabod is the Crime Stoppers of the WELS. By the way, other organizations have an independent judiciary, ombudsman, comptrollers, inspector generals, the RCC Office of the Inquisition, etc., who are are supposed act somewhat independently, i.e., serving the interests of the cause or justice rather than serving the interests of the hierarchy. The WELS has, outside its hierarchy, only the 8 & 18 switch and Ichabod:




GJ - Who disciplines the Doctrinal Pussycat in WELS? The Circuit Pussycats do - and the DPs appoint them. I have seen several cases where the CP is on the staff of the DP's congregation. What are the chances that any CP is going to do anything about the DP?

John Seifert was a CP when he urged me to press charges against DP Robert Mueller. He thought it was worthwhile, as long as someone else did it. However, he made sure Mueller and Kuske knew he was on their side. But Seifert stepped onto the throne when Mueller decided to leave the office and country for a year.

The political are rewarded for being political.


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Push Back Means Blow Back, Too":

Let me tell you something! Do NOT listen to Glende or ANY of the Church And Change leadership. These guys worship mammon and not the Risen Savior who lived a perfect life. There is NO salvation outside of Jesus Christ. The devil and the grand architect cannot save you from your sins. Mark Jeske is just another TV preacher. Her is not, IS NOT our spokesman for Confessional Lutheranism. Jeske's buddy Bruce Eberle is a right-wing money producer for his Washington guru friends. They want to close the schools to get rid of our doctrine. There is no money??? Hey, these cats are gazillionaires! They got more money than you can shake a stick at. The interreligious people want to get rid of closed communion. Remember, Jeske mocked  closed communion in the Concordia Mequon speech. Long story short, these guys are dangerous. I am leaving out a WHOLE lot. It will have to be continued. You have to pray for those people.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady


GJ - The DPs and SP Schroeder look past the sins of Jeske and see instead the glorious moneybags of the Daddy Warbucks.