Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Roman Catholic Wrote about the Thanksgiving Service

Faith is also multiplied by the Word of God. By Norma Boeckler.

"I watched your sermon in it's entirety and it was wonderful. I see were you did mention the children with Down's Syndrome and I love the part about the child being born blind, and how we would give up one of our eyes in order for them to see... None of us are promised tomorrow, but we are promised eternal life with Christ Jesus, as promised to us when he died on the cross for our sins. I often imagine what his Mother must have felt watching her son going through that and being tortured and ridiculed and spit at, mocked and just tormented as he was. It must have been so sad and painful for her, as any mother and father seeing their child suffer. You went through this too with your baby. Anyway, I just thought I would tell you that I really enjoyed the sermon and the singing too. Where was that, at the Church that you are a pastor at?? Wonderful and I felt it was just a blessing to me. Thank you Gregory God Bless you always, dear."


GJ - I get a lot of messages like this. I copied this to show people what happens when the Word is broadcast and saved for others. This FB friend knows someone who was in my junior high classes. I lose friends when I post pro-life statements, but this person was happy to have me write about Down's Syndrome, because her brother has it. She asked me for the link, which happens from time to time. Others find it on their own.

The humorless fail to realize that the purpose of polemics is to identify and destroy false ideas, false doctrine in this case. Since reading this blog is not mandatory, nor required for MLC/WLC graduation, it is surprising that students feel compelled to admonish me anonymously about writing polemics - something associated with Luther, Chemnitz, and Walther.

The college students seem especially immune to doing any homework on their own. They demand I prove something when books have been written about that topic and made available to them. Thy Strong Word is in the MLC library. The rough draft of the justification book is available free as a PDF from And yet poor Nick is tired of this or that about UOJ. I believe he was still on a trike when I began reading about it.