Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Scandal in ELCA College Is Routine At
Martin Luther College (WELS):
MLC Does Gay and Drag Videos

At MLC we uploaded our gay video to YouTube and did a drag queen video besides.
We are ahead of ELCA on diversity.

Wartburg Annual Drag Queen Contest

Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa is an ELCA school. On March 20, 2010, they hosted Wartburg College's 5th Annual Drag Show. "The show brings in professional drag queens and kings from around the state of Iowa and also features students, faculty, and staff performers." (see here)

The Drag Show takes place on campus at Neumann Auditorium (see here) and is sponsored by Wartburg Alliance, which describes itself as ". . . a student-run organization that seeks to generate awareness about LGBT issues and advocate for more inclusive environments on campus, locally, and nationally." (see here)

A blogger in attendance during this year’s drag show said the star performer was Serena Michaels, otherwise known as Miss Gay Iowa 2010. (read here)

Here are links to pictures from the event -

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5

Picture 6

An ELCA college hosting drag shows for their student body, as well as inviting the attendance of the local community, should not be a surprise. When the parent denomination is rewriting God’s Word and encouraging people to remain in sin, how can one expect the schools they run to uphold Christian values?

Wartburg College student programming - God’s money - your tithes, gifts and tuition at work.

Not Afraid of Comments--Or the Truth--Here

Intrepids show the way home,
into a pit.

The Not Exactly Intrepid Lutherans are already managing the news, synod style. That is because their leaders saw their blog as a marketing tool to support SP Schroeder. Previously, Rydecki was complaining about The SORE instead of opposing justification by faith. I could tell they were obeying orders as soon as they dared question the idiotic sermon from The Guilt Factory (formerly The Love Shack). Rydecki doubted unbelievers were declared innocent by God, so The Guilt Factory stepped up to reverse their course.

The comments at their IL blog are managed and squashed, as people have already noticed. Their blog is not a forum for discussing doctrinal issues, but a misfiring propaganda tool.

I knew that Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's former employee, Jay Webber, was itching to be featured there when when one of his pen-pals began interceding with me about Webber's disgusting career at Thoughts of Faith. Pistol-packin' Professor Kovaciny had to have his say, too. Kovo was the ELS bagman at Stolzenburg's church, where Floyd pledged in advance to commune Masonic Lodge members. Everyone is forgiven, so why bother with doctrine?

Jay Webber advocated communing ELCA members for similar reasons. I wonder if he will post on IL about his apostate communion policy. Even the LCMS, which would not ordain Jay, was more disciplined about Holy Communion policy. I am not sure why UO Jays commune anyone. They are already forgiven.

Once Joe Krohn began publishing his comments on IL about the obvious gaping holes in UOJ, the comments were quashed. I have linked his blog, and it will stay linked.

Joe Krohn just wrote for publication:

If a former proponent of deformed rock and roll church can turn from error, they too can correct their errors. It's called manning up.

Its been a struggle for me since the day my pastor told me that he felt our band was affecting the growth of our church. And the struggle is probably just beginning since I am still a member of WELS and the outlook for confessional change is dim. But with God all things are possible. Kudos to all of you who hang out around these parts and remain true to God's word and are willing to publicly proclaim it.


I suspect comments favorable to the Book of Concord are not only blocked but erased by IL dungeon masters. I am not sure about them kilcreased, because I would have to spend time comparing and remembering. Others can report here if and when they see that happening.

Otten has boasted of his open forum in Christian News, but he spikes stories and letters which challenge his peculiar views (including his love for UOJ).

The synods think they can manage the news and get their story to dominate everyone's thinking. Everyone can see their publications are freeze-dried, shrink-wrapped PR pieces.

The Ichabod readers know they can get their comments published here. I even post the vindictive rants of Paul T. McCain, Otten's former spin-doctor, when I find them elsewhere. That is almost like having a free clipping service. Does he thank me? No. His "time out" on the ALPB Online Forum has been one of the most read posts in the last few months. He left the ALPB Forum before, claiming it endangered his mental health.

Doctrine is our only light. There is a relationship between ordinary facts and a love for pure doctrine. Trusting the Word of God means that the facts do not have to be managed, spun, quashed and sorted for the hoi polloi (the masses).

When people do not trust the truth about the most ordinary events, I suspect they do not trust the Word of God. They may still have a sentimental attachment to the Scriptures, but they really trust in their own cleverness rather than God's wisdom.

ELCA Editor of The Lutheran An Ichabodian

Did Pope John the Malefactor give Bishop Mark Hanson lessons in throwing away congregations?

Dr. Jackson:

Greetings from Chicago. I wrote a column in the October issue of The Lutheran, magazine of the ELCA, that included the following quote:

"The most dangerous sin of all is the presumption of righteousness," which is attributed to Martin Luther ( . I found this quote on your web page, as well as another which I now cannot locate.

I received the following request from a reader: "Could you cite the German work[s] by Martin Luther which has/have this English-translated quote? I would like to read [it] in context."

I've searched but have been unable to fine it. There is a similar quote in his Lecture on Galatians ("crush that brute which is called the presumption of righteousness." I realize it could come from the kitchen conversations as well as his letters, but those are very difficult to search.

Do you have the cite for the quote, and if so, would you share it with me?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


Daniel J. Lehmann
"The Lutheran," magazine of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
fax: 773.380.2409
8765 W. Higgins Rd.
Chicago, IL 60631-4101


GJ - Long ago, I wrote for The Lutheran magazine, every so often. I thought the email was interesting because the ELCA editor has read this blog enough to think he got a quotation from here. I did a lot of searching for him--from the blog and the legendary Megatron database--but did not find the quotation, which I did not recall in the first place. He found it later in another source.

Just think - your own comments are being read all over the world, by many different denominations.


Ichaslang Dictionary Adds an Important Word


To Kilcrease
[v. kill-krees-e; n. kill-krees] verb, -creased, -creas·ing, noun
–verb (used with object)
1. to eliminate; to remove evidence of, confession, opinion, or error; decrease; take away from: to kilcrease the evidence.

Scholars are divided, but some think the word began to be used when a Roman Catholic adjunct instructor started erasing his own blog posts and comments.

Brett Meyer, Assistant Lexicographer