Komen for the Cure Gave Planned Parenthood Not $731,000...But $7.5 Million!

In a new interview with the Daily Caller, Komen spokesman John Hammarley provided the latest figures showing the link between the two groups.
He confirmed 20 of Komen’s 122 affiliates have made donations to Planned Parenthood and, last year, those contributions totaled $7.5 million -- much higher than the $731,000 Komen's figures on its web site showed earlier this year.
Hammarley sought to play down the funding by saying it's a small percentage of Komen's income or expenses. “That $7.5 million is less than one percent of the entire amount of community grant funding that affiliates around the country contribute,” Hammarley said.
He also told the Daily Caller that the funding is closely monitored to ensure the money does not go to pay for abortions directly, but breast cancer screening projects Planned Parenthood sponsors. But, for pro-life advocates, how Planned Parenthood uses the money is less important than the fact that the abortion business receives the funds and doesn't have to use money it makes from abortions to pay for the screenings...
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