Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Another Head Fake

Thompson has a real doctorate, a rarity in the Shrinker sorority.

Dr. Glen Thompson has accepted Asia Lutheran Seminary's call to serve as a full-time professor in Hong Kong. Thompson will teach classes in New Testament history and church history. He will also work on preparing courses for non-residential seminary students that can be taught across East Asia.
"By his coming Dr. Thompson enables Asia Lutheran Seminary to serve students beyond Hong Kong," explains Dr. Steven Witte, president of the seminary. "Throughout most of its six-year history students from around the Chinese-speaking world have desired to take courses at Asia Lutheran Seminary. We believe that the additional expertise, experience, and scholarship of Dr. Thompson now make that goal realistic. We are thankful to God and our WELS brothers and sisters for sending another worker out into the harvest field."

GJ -
Steve Witte is a founder of Church and Change, from the notorious Fox Valley area. His "doctorate" is a DMin from Gordon Conwell. His final project was a badly written Schwaermer essay. Anyone can get it from Inter-Library Loan.

I don't know much about Thompson, but WELS would never let a Lutheran into the world mission business.

Don't forget readers, lots of men, including DPs, have to travel all over the world to check out these things, burning through more money than Congress before an election.