Saturday, February 26, 2011


This Church Growth manual, and UOJ textbook, is required reading 
because no Lutheran can get through it without barfing.

LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Since Enthusiasts Do Not Trust the Efficacy of the...":

Now I get the beehive thing...ha ha...(tongue firmly in cheek)


GJ - Luther used two terms to describe the people who divorce the Holy Spirit and the Word: Enthusiasts and Schwaermer. The second term is more of a descriptive, funny nickname and refers to the buzzing of bees. How unloving!

Church and Change was set up by people like Jeske, John Lawrenz, Parlow, Steve Witte, Ron Roth (RIP), Aderman, Kelm, and Valleskey to ape the Enthusiasts.

The honey bee works hard, stings, and dies, leaving its stinger in the flesh of its target.

Thus the Schwaermer of WELS have successfully accomplished their Church and Change goals. They took over the management of WELS--without a fight--as well as the preps, colleges, seminary, and magazine.

It is rumored that Skull and Bones secretly manages Yale University. Church and Change openly runs the Wisconsin sect.

How can the Conference of Pussycats punish Ski and Jeske for what they have been doing for 30 years?