Monday, February 28, 2011

Flow of Funds to the Seminaries

Capable young men are asking me, "Where can I go to seminary?"

I would scratch Our Lady of Sorrows, St. Louis, and The Surrendered Fort off the list. Those two seminaries are too costly, designed to drain the seminarian before keeping him from a call. That says a lot about the quality of both schools. They are saying their own graduates are not fit for the pastoral ministry.

Although it seems impossible, the Little Schoolhouse on the Prairie and The Sausage Factory are both even more controlling and abusive than the LCMS brand.

The only one to consider would be St. Catharine's, which I believe Robert Preus helped to set up. I do not have any knowledge of the school, except the costs are much lower. I suggest visiting the school and talking to current and past students.

No one should think that the current system is going to last. Even infallible WELS is admitting that the synod will soon be very much unlike the Holy Mother Synod of the past.

People allow a synod to control their lives. That is a mistake that will soon by fixed by demographics, the lack of funds, and the information age. But the error begins with false assumptions and attitudes. People surrender power to tin-horn Doctrinal Pussycats who stand for nothing. They tremble at the synod executives but not at the Word of God. The DP bullies see that and take advantage of it.

Anyone considering pastoral work should have a real vocation first, because tent-making will be more prevalent in the future. The call is not respected, so situations will be volatile and changing.

Conservative Lutherans are not funding outreach and missions. They are funding salaries, lawsuits, perks, travel, boozy meals, and other luxuries. De-funding the plutocrats would be a great first move for everyone. Let the parasites depend on Thrivent (pro-abortion), foundations, and Daddy Warbucks.