Monday, February 21, 2011

"Powerless" Lutheran Executives Make Me Laugh

Like the Colossus of Rhodes, the Colossus Corrodes is an engineering marvel, its precarious posture between three synods kept stable by boatloads of taxpayer money and foundation grants.

This familiar excuse for doing nothing comes from every synod executive:

"I don't have the power to do that."

I heard that from Paul McCain in the Purple Palace. Newly elected Al Barry did not have the power to do anything about Church Growth, McCain claimed. He explained more about the strange political structure of the LCMS.

I said then, as I do now, the power to teach the Word is the greatest power of all. That is the power never used by synod executives, professors, and seldom by parish pastors. The laity have been willing to pick up the unused Sword of the Spirit, the Word, tossed aside by the clergy.

I have heard for many months that the Gang of Four DPs (State of Wisconsin DPs plus the Minnesota DP)   are blocking WELS SP Schroeder. Really? They keep him from writing to the entire synod? They prevent him from speaking?

The last I heard a Lutheran Synod President say anything definitive about doctrine took place when Jack Preus headed the Missouri Synod. The good that he did was doctrinal, because the political moves were temporary and undone by another convention or SP.

The decisions being made in Missouri, WELS, and the Little Sect on the Prairie center around money and political maneuvering. The love of money is the root of all evil, as Shakespeare said. And political battles are the devil's playground.

The Syn Conference has diapraxed itself into being a weak, indecisive, ineffective shadow of ELCA, always participating the same errors, forever in fellowship with the apostates, but constant in maintaining a holier-than-thou attitude about them.


norcal763 has left a new comment on your post ""Powerless" Lutheran Executives Make Me Laugh":

YES!!! All Schroeder would have to do is commandeer the WELS Connection Infomercial one month and the captive congregations would hear it all on the same Sunday morning. Or put it in FICL-no, bad idea; nobody would see it. The e-letter would work, especially the bulletin-ready format. Point is that Schroeder addresses the faithful on a regular basis; all he has to do is man-up with what he says and he could begin to restore order immediately.

"one little Word shall fell him"
Jim Becker