Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Proof That Doing the Same Thing Over, and Expecting Different Results, Is Insanity

"It's your fault this church isn't growing.
You are afraid of change. That's the problem.
Studies show that growing churches grow because
the laity want them to grow. You don't.
We need some gro-ti-vational programs:
expensive but worth it.
More people will come if we saddle this church with debt.
Cornerstone will show us how."

(from the "Together" WELS e-letter: Feb. 1.; article by President Schroeder)
"Schools Focus on Missions and Evangelism" is the title of President Schroeder's lead story in today's e-letter.  That's funny.  Aren't they supposed to focus on theology and doctrine?  Pastor Schroeder talks of "a mission mindset...students can keep mission work and evangelism as the focus of their lives as Christians and at the heart of what they do in their future ministry."  This seems out of balance with the needs of the congregations these students will serve.  Aren't pastors to teach the Word, administer the Means of Grace, and nurture a knowledge of the Confessions along with evangelism?  This can only be done when called workers are more focused on the Lutheran Christians in front of their faces than they are on the elusive 'targets' who never find their way into a WELS church.  This can only be done when pastors are in each members' home making certain that the spiritual leader of the family is teaching the Catechism to his family.  Maybe then at confirmation time we wouldn't have so many kids bumbling their way through the inquisition.  I wouldn't have confirmed half the kids that my pastors did because they didn't know the faith!
I can vouch for the emphasis on missions for vicars Schroeder talks about.  Our congregation had a vicar fill in one Sunday.  He spent about 5 minutes talking about the need to share the Gospel and about 20 minutes telling us how to get over our fear of talking to people. "Don't be afraid....Don't be shy...It's EASY to talk to people.  It really IS."  Who was this guy?-Pastor Dale Carnegie? 
I'm really not sure why the Synod continues to send me its materials. Schroeder himself knows that we left and why.  I especially don't understand the solicitations for WELS Kingdom Workers, special mission offerings, and for aid to the Seminary that I keep getting. We ALWAYS supported the Synod.  My wife and I tithed during periods of employment and unemployment, and in retirement. When I took my stand and "wrote a letter" last year, who supported the confessional issues I brought up concerning Thrivent and Ski/Glende?  Certainly not the President. And instead of standing by me, my pastor chastized me and attacked us personally when we left the Synod and the congregation.  Now WELS wants my ongoing financial support.  Sorry, but I could NEVER violate WELS' Fellowship Doctrine.  So here's a quarter....call someone who cares.
Cornhusker (proudly) Former WELS.

GJ - I heard that speech at Mequon, in homiletics class. Balge was astounded but said very little. The rant came from evangelism class and he knew who taught that - Valleskey. WELS has been nagging its members about outreach instead of proclaiming the Gospel. Gurgle used to do that, but everyone knew how dumb he was. "An empty suit," one WELS pastor said.

Schroeder is supposed to be smart, but he is saying the same things.