ICHABOD, THE GLORY HAS DEPARTED - explores the Age of Apostasy, predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, to attack Objective Faithless Justification, Church Growth Clowns, and their ringmasters. The antidote to these poisons is trusting the efficacious Word in the Means of Grace. John 16:8. Isaiah 55:8ff. Romans 10. Most readers are WELS, LCMS, ELS, or ELCA. This blog also covers the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, and the Left-wing, National Council of Churches denominations.
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Friday, February 18, 2011
Secrecy Does Not Work - Except To Protect Corruption and False Doctrine.
WELS Official Secrets Act
The favorite method in WELS, to keep things going downhill, is the Official Secrets Act. Everything is a secret. Murders? - that is a secret. Lawsuits lost by WELS - secret. DP Ed Werner in state prison? - he's an ex-con now, so that is a secret, just as it was before. Dozens of clergy and officials supporting a known false teacher and serial adulterer? - blank look. Working with ELCA? - a big secret.
Those who object to the apostasy of WELS are managed by the Official Secrets Act. Anything done by the plaintiff must be kept a secret. Why? So the officials can deny that anyone objected to anything any time. However, the aggrieved officials can start trashing the plaintiff to their heart's content, because they are concerned with the smooth and efficient working of Holy Mother Synod.
For example, pastors and laity got involved as a group in dealing with Glende and Ski, two notorious plagiarists, in Appleton. They did their work. They studied the public material. The attorney was one of them, as he has stated in his own blog, so they had a witness, perhaps more. I had no connection with them, although I was blamed for their dislike of false doctrine and plagiarism. I did have plenty of material, backed by linked, on the plagiarism poster boys. Tim and Ski also did as many self-destructive things as anyone could imagine - and then some.
The results of these secret letters and meetings were - zilch. No one knew exactly what was said and written, because it was a secret. Who participated? I do not know, because it was a secret.
Since it was a secret, Deputy Doug Englebrecht felt secure enough to duck the promised meeting, leaving a typed letter for them to read. What was in the letter? That is a secret. If I had a copy, it would be posted. Perhaps it will be later, if someone who knows someone who knows someone leaks it.
Cap'n Huff-N-Puff also sent one of his appointed lackeys to listen to Ski and judge his orthodoxy. The sycophant visited The CORE and found it a delightful depenser of orthodox doctrine and practice, according to Doug. The man might have started foaming at the mouth. We will never know, because it is a secret. Using WELS' criteria, I will not believe it unless I have a video from the lackey - and even then... (WELS can be very strict, you know.)
The lackey visitation reminds me of a parallel incident in ELCA. Even the ELCA pastors in California were offended that HerChurch in San Fran was having pagan feminist rosaries and other inanities in their worship service. The ELCA bishop sent a lackey. Does this sound familiar yet? And yes! The lackey found that the service was completely orthodox, even though he/she attended unannounced. The bishop reported this fact, so we only have the bishop's report of the lackey's report. But we now rest assured that none of the videos posted by HerChurch are true or even honest. The debbil probably produced them. Or Ichabod is just getting ELCA pastors upset over nothing.
Back to Appleton and the Plagiarist Pastor Poster Boys - Tim and Ski. What happened because of all these secret meetings, letters, conversations, reports? This study group must have produced something. I don't know their names and I don't have their response - everything is secret. I am not being coy - I do not hold back information when I have it.
Nothing happened. Correction. Something did happened. Beating up the attorney escalated several notches. Trashing the group went into high gear. Here is just one example - they were all falsely accused of working with me when they were not.
That is pretty insulting, because Deputy Doug accused them of being dishonest accomplices and willing stooges. Such is his self-loathing that he would accuse others of being what he clearly is.
In contrast, when the Intrepids identified another example of plagiarism in Appleton--it's the water--the pastors apologized and removed the Swindle material from the WELS parish websty.
Also, there is real activity because:
1. The attorney published his material.
2. The Intrepids publicly objected to the joint WELS-ELCA-LCMS workshop.
The lesson people should learn is this - hang together or hang separately.
Secret objections are not only buried - they are perverted by the perverted leaders who manage this farce.
I have to grade some papers. My Icha-widow is awake and she thinks I am earning a living.
Church and Change