Monday, March 14, 2011

Cell Groups Are Also a Reliable Litmus Test for Pietism

The comb-over, men with permed or streaked or spikey hair, the twisted smile, the hatred of Luther's doctrine, and above all -
an abiding trust in cell groups:
all are true signs of Pietism.

PC Xian wants us to believe that he used his real name. Oh wait, it is Paul C. Christian. Therefore, when he signs in as PC Xian, everyone knows that is almost his legal name, or they remember his actual name, if they know him.

Cell groups are like that. Everyone knows they are the heart and soul of Pietism, the method behind the madness. Confessional Lutherans emphasize the efficacy of the Word alone and the Means of Grace. Both represent the unified truth of the Christian faith.
Jeske's signature twisted smile is a good indicator of Pietism.
Cell group advocates are not happy people,
because they have to do so much to prop up God's Kingdom.
It's exhausting and expensive, but you can help.

Pietists emphasize cell groups, because they know God's Word is too weak to work on its own. Having a deeper understanding of these hidden things, they realize that the sermon must be propped up by a picked squad of cell group devotees. Man must step in and help when God has no hands but ours, no legs but ours, no money but ours. What would He do without us?

Unfortunately, Luther did not realize this. He relied on the preached Word to halt the papacy's progress and to silence the Zwickau prophets. He was not the visioneer of the Reformation - he simply taught the Word.

Rob Bell has streaked, permed hair and a twisted smile - triple alert!
Warning Master Robinson, warning, warning.