Saturday, March 5, 2011

The Road to Perdition (Universalism) Starts at Halle University, Travels Through Fuller Seminary, and Goes Interstate at WELS/ELS/LCMS

Knapp's English text invented the double justification scheme favored by Walther and later the Synodical Conference. The UOJ leaders stomped out justification by faith, which was taught in Missouri and WELS for a long time.

Scheiermacher, Halle student and professor, dropped SJ from double justification.
He was a key intellectual leader for Karl Barth, Fuller's pivotal theologian. 
Barth was also a Universalist.

Tholuck was a self-proclaimed Universalist, but considered a transition figure between the old Halle Pietists who believed something and the new Pietists who believed nothing in the Scriptures.

Karl Barth and his mistress Charlotte Kirschbaum wrote the Dogmatics together, nestled in a lonely cabin, until she moved in with his family. She attended a Communist convention, representing him!
Barth trained the new leadership of Fuller Seminary,
which caused them to dump inerrancy.

Not every Shrinker has a twisted smile and spikey, streaked hair. Some have one or the other.
Rob Bell is teaching what the Syn Conference is teaching.