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This is a show not to be missed!
Have you ever seen a guy do a back flip in stiletto heels? Now you will! Wartburg's annual cabaret/drag show has become a phenomenon in Northeast Iowa. About 700 people attended the performance in 2010. The show brings in professional drag queens and kings from around the state of Iowa and also features students, faculty, and staff performers. Admission is only $5 for community members and $2 for students. The proceeds go to the Wartburg Alliance organization to cover the cost of the production and some select charities, should there be more funds raised than needed for production costs..
Have you ever seen a guy do a back flip in stiletto heels? Now you will! Wartburg's annual cabaret/drag show has become a phenomenon in Northeast Iowa. About 700 people attended the performance in 2010. The show brings in professional drag queens and kings from around the state of Iowa and also features students, faculty, and staff performers. Admission is only $5 for community members and $2 for students. The proceeds go to the Wartburg Alliance organization to cover the cost of the production and some select charities, should there be more funds raised than needed for production costs..
All Wartburg students, faculty, and staff are invited to perform in the show
If you are interested in performing in the next cabaret/drag show, please e-mail alliance@wartburg.edu. If you are nervous about performing by yourself, feel free to get a group together. We encourage you to be creative. Add some choreography; choose some fun music that will get the crowd into it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
If you are interested in performing in the next cabaret/drag show, please e-mail alliance@wartburg.edu. If you are nervous about performing by yourself, feel free to get a group together. We encourage you to be creative. Add some choreography; choose some fun music that will get the crowd into it. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
We invite members of other colleges to perform in our show!
Starting in 2008, we began the tradition of allowing students and community members from other colleges in Iowa to perform in our cabaret/drag show. If you are interested in representing your school at this year's performance, please complete the following forms below. Please e-mail them to alliance@wartburg.edu. Let us know if you are in need of our help in arranging lodging if you plan to stay in Waverly that night.
Starting in 2008, we began the tradition of allowing students and community members from other colleges in Iowa to perform in our cabaret/drag show. If you are interested in representing your school at this year's performance, please complete the following forms below. Please e-mail them to alliance@wartburg.edu. Let us know if you are in need of our help in arranging lodging if you plan to stay in Waverly that night.
- Drag Performer Registration Form (DOC)
- Performer Liability/Hold Harmless Agreement Form (DOC)
- Directions to Campus and Map
Last year's shindig:
ELCA College Holds Annual Drag Show 10/12/2010
Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa is an ELCA school. On March 20, 2010, they hosted Wartburg College's 5th Annual Drag Show. "The show brings in professional drag queens and kings from around the state of Iowa and also features students, faculty, and staff performers." (see here)
The Drag Show takes place on campus at Neumann Auditorium (see here) and is sponsored by Wartburg Alliance, which describes itself as ". . . a student-run organization that seeks to generate awareness about LGBT issues and advocate for more inclusive environments on campus, locally, and nationally." (see here)
A blogger in attendance during this year’s drag show said the star performer was Serena Michaels, otherwise known as Miss Gay Iowa 2010. (read here)
Here are links to pictures from the event -
- Picture 1
- Picture 2
- Picture 3
- Picture 4
- Picture 5
- Picture 6
An ELCA college hosting drag shows for their student body, as well as inviting the attendance of the local community, should not be a surprise. When the parent denomination is rewriting God’s Word and encouraging people to remain in sin, how can one expect the schools they run to uphold Christian values?
Wartburg College student programming - God’s money - your tithes, gifts and tuition at work.
The Drag Show takes place on campus at Neumann Auditorium (see here) and is sponsored by Wartburg Alliance, which describes itself as ". . . a student-run organization that seeks to generate awareness about LGBT issues and advocate for more inclusive environments on campus, locally, and nationally." (see here)
A blogger in attendance during this year’s drag show said the star performer was Serena Michaels, otherwise known as Miss Gay Iowa 2010. (read here)
Here are links to pictures from the event -
- Picture 1
- Picture 2
- Picture 3
- Picture 4
- Picture 5
- Picture 6
An ELCA college hosting drag shows for their student body, as well as inviting the attendance of the local community, should not be a surprise. When the parent denomination is rewriting God’s Word and encouraging people to remain in sin, how can one expect the schools they run to uphold Christian values?
Wartburg College student programming - God’s money - your tithes, gifts and tuition at work.
GJ - Don't act shocked WELS.
Your MLC gay video is still playing on YouTube and Facebook.
People should ask themselves why they bother to pay Doctrinal Pussycats and the Synod President. The ELCA pastors and members left over this kind of rubbish, but WELS promotes it.