Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thoughts of Faith - Where Did All the Money Go?

"We help that money to spend.
Reach out with the Gospel.
Take a lot of money. Russia very bad place."

News from Ukraine
Rev. John Vogt reports: “After many years of worshiping in the auditorium of a mathematics institute in Kyiv, our largest ULC congregation was informed that ‘outsiders’ were no longer allowed ‘for security reasons.’ So it could not worship there any longer… The congregation has temporarily been permitted to worship in a different school across the street from the mathematics institute. Meanwhile, it is frantically searching for a permanent home, perhaps by purchasing space in an existing building outside the center of Kyiv.” We ask all to keep our ULC brothers and sisters in Christ in our prayers.


GJ - The ELS is admitting that more than $15 million disappeared in the Ukraine and they do not have a building for their "largest ULC" congregation. How large?

Hitler made more progress in the Ukraine than TOF. Of course, he did not have Jay Webber, Roger Kovaciny, and Floyd Luther Stolzenburg helping out.
And salmonella poisoning.