Voss called as next MLS president

On March 14, the Michigan Lutheran Seminary Governing Board called Rev. David Voss from Memorial, Williamston, Mich., to serve as president of Michigan Lutheran Seminary (MLS), one of two preparatory schools operated by the synod.
A 1983 graduate of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Voss has also served at Faith, River Falls, Wis.
Rev. Paul Prange, administrator of WELS Board for Ministerial Education, notes that Voss has experience in educational administration at his current congregation, which would serve him well as president of MLS.
Rev. Jonathan Schroeder from Faith, Sharpsburg, Ga., returned the call as MLS president last week. The position has been vacant since Sept. 17, 2010, when Rev. Aaron Frey resigned the position. Dr. William Zeiger, vice president of MLS, is serving as president during the vacancy.
GJ - Did you wonder why Anonymous Blogger Tim Glende went Medieval about my truthful description of Aaron Frey resigning? I did too. They graduated the same year at The Sausage Factory, where the claim of infallibility is backed by "I drank a lot of beer with him!" That is how Rich Krause defended the Harmless Heretic Larry Olson. Krause neglected to mention that Olson picked up a quickie DMin from Fuller, which qualified the Very Rev. Dr. Olson to supervise Krause for a similar drive-by DMin. Notice that all the WELS Shrinker DMins call themselves "Dr." all the time. Hahahaha.
Glende still has an alleged statement from Aaron Frey on his blog. The trouble is - there is no proof that statement was ever made. It did not appear on Frey's FB page or blog when I saw it. Keep on making stuff up, Tim, as much as your conscience allows.
I am looking for the new WELS call report, to settle some factual matters with Anonymouse, above. For some reason it is not posted yet.