GJ - Tony Kubek wrote to Rick Techlin on the blog, Light from Light, so Tony is sympathetic:
Light from Light
Dear brother Rick,
I agree completely with your frustration!
I have had discussions with some of the same men you have regarding unresolved doctrinal issues in the Northern Wisconsin District of the WELS. I have not been satisfied by their responses. Understanding that the church militant will never see perfection this side of Heaven because of our sinful nature, my hope is that the divisions in our district’s congregations and, among its members, will be resolved expeditiously by those entrusted with the care of doctrine and practice.
In Christ,
Tony Kubek
He is a member of Mt. Olive.
Toney (sic) Kubek set priorities
Tony Kubek is a familiar face to many people involved with Fox Valley Lutheran High School in Appleton, Wisconsin. Baseball fans undoubtedly see him often during the season doing play-by-play on NBC. Yet, for many here, Kubek is more familiar because he is seen at the school games. He has even coached some students during their years at FVL. Being so close to him makes one think of him as just another face in the crowd--not the well-known personality he is.
While he seems like an "average" guy, he's quite a remarkable person. While his achievements are many and his work schedule very busy, he still finds time for all who ask for it.
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Dictatorial Doug and His Infamous Letter":
Layman Tony Kubek is one who was CC'd.
Kubek now lives in Appleton, Wisconsin and is a supporter of the Fox Valley Lutheran High School and its baseball team
Also, development Coordinator at Fox Valley Lutheran High School
And with classic (W)ELS proof reading flair here's an article titled: Toney Kubek set priorities
GJ - He must be toned, toney, because of athletics.
Oh my, the results of a superior ejukationul system!
Jeff Gunn is the big hero at Church and Change, for being anti-Lutheran. There he is Jeff Gun (sic).
Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS) -":
Churches - How to Build One From Scratch
Pastor Jeff Gunn
Crosswalk - Phoenix, AZ
Pastor Gun (sic) is also a great resource for:
Marketing a Church a Target Community
Small Groups - Starting them Successfully
Contemporary Music - Doing it up
Outreach Methods - Getting Involved
Researching Alternative Ministry Methods and Models - How To Do It and Pull Workable Ideas From It
Email: jeff@crosswalkinlaveen.org
Website: www.crosswalkinlaveen.org
Also, photos from (W)ELS DP Pastor Jon Bucholz (sic)
Kubek living Hall of Fame life outside of baseball
After 37 years in the bigs that included three championships, three all-star nods and a Rookie of the Year honor, Kubek got out and didn't look back. The call to Cooperstown last December put his name back on the sports pages and to those who connected with the game while listening to Kubek and Curt Gowdy on NBC's "Game of the Week," this was a surprising but welcome development.
Sports Couch Potato