Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Anonymoose Reports from the Frozen North:
Canadian Lutherans To Imitate ELCA Gaity


Here's a tid-bit I came across about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCA north).  At their up-coming convention the ELCIC will be asked to follow the path already well-worn by the ELCA in regard to human sexuality issues.  The ELCIC sent out a letter to congregations announcing what it plans to do.  From what I've heard a few years ago, if the ELCIC does this then it will lose between 1/2 to 3/4 of all congregations west of Ontario up to the greater Vancouver, BC, area.  A few years ago in I believe Kitimat, BC, the ELCIC bishop told the ELCIC congregation to shut it doors and begin worshiping with the Anglican Church there, whose pastor was a lesbian priestess living with her "mate."  The ELCIC congregation petitioned to leave the ELCIC and join Luther Church-Canada.  The ELCIC Bishop had no objections and it went through quietly -- probably so as not to arouse discord within in the ELCIC.

On another note, I see Reclaim News has formally announced the withdrawal of the Oakland suit.  Interesting that when I went to the C-N-H District website there are no posted BoD minutes for the last few months.  Reclaim News says that the line item for legal expenses in missing from its budget statement.