They also teach Church Shrinkage there.
The two ideologies go together well, or WELS.
The Sixth Annual Augustana Ministerium Theological Conference and Plenary Meeting
May 9-11, 2011
Our Sixth Annual Theological Conference and Plenary Meeting is scheduled for May 9-11, 2011, hosted graciously by the Rev. Dr. Kent Heimbigner and Charity Lutheran Church, Burleson, TX. This year’s theological conference will be dedicated to exploring the central article of the Christian faith - Justification – how it should and should not be preached and taught. We will examine challenges to a truly biblical and Lutheran understanding of justification over against challenges to it - some old and some more recent. It will be dedicated to exploring and discussing the great challenges that our people face today in preserving a truly biblical and reformational understanding of the central article of the Christian faith. Appropriately, our theme this year is Justification: Challenges Old and New. How should the justification of the sinner be proclaimed and taught? What are contemporary as well as more enduring pitfalls and challenges that can derail and pervert this proclamation of the Gospel? The following theme and topics will address these important questions as delivered by an impressive lineup of very capable Lutheran pastors. And again as with our presentations last year, more formal essays will be delivered with discussion time to follow. And again as in past years, the topics intentionally overlap. Don’t miss this important the timely conference on the central article of the Christian Faith. You can register at our website,
Justification: Challenges Old and New
· Predestination revisited: Is the sinner predestined unto salvation unto faith or in view of faith: What are the implications of this for preaching and teaching, absolution, and liturgy? How shall we peach predestination or election when we are addressing sinners with the Gospel? Essayist, Rev. Timothy Tolar
· Is the Justification of the sinner objective? What does this mean and how does this understanding shape the preaching of the Gospel and evangelism. What happens to the preaching and teaching of the Gospel when the existing reality of justification it is denied? Essayist, Rev. Michael Simminger
· Justification: How a Lutheran Distinctive Shapes the Ministry of the Gospel Absolution (Public and Private), Preaching and Teaching - and what tragic things happen if it doesn’t, And Lutheran distinctives in the Doctrine of Justification: Their impact on Baptism, Conversion, and Sanctification vis-a-vis the Protestant World (Reformed, Armenian, and Holiness Theology) Roman Catholic. Essayist, Rev. Dr. Steven Hein
· Justification Distorted: How sloppy, trite, and imprecise language distorts the Ministry of the Gospel. Watch your language, son! Essayist, Rev. Kurt Hering