Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cornerstone for the Taj Mahal of Your Future

A creeped-out Katy Perry posed with a excitable Ski in front of the Taj Mahal, to remind WELS-Missouri that the expensive building in the background is a tomb, like the project that will bury their congregation in debt.

A layman emailed about Cornerstone Ministries in reference to the 007 blog post. 

He didn't think it was right for folks to get rich off the offerings of God's people (Matt 21:12). 

These guys have served 160 Lutheran groups...mostly churches and have raised in excess of $62 million.  They charge a flat fee of around $37,000 - 39,000 plus office supplies and air travel which comes out to $43,000-$46,000 expense to the group.  But if they don't raise the goal amount and the flat fee is greater than 10%, they will give a refund of the difference.  You do the math...these guys have probably made $6 - 7 million since 2002 and they are not non-profit.