Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Make Some Books Available at the Emmaus Syn Conference Conference

Brett Meyer will be our official delegate to the pan-Lutheran Emmaus Conference, May 5-6. The theme is "Be polite."

I can send him copies of Justification for $10. If you want extra copies to be available to those attending, send a check to:

Pastor Gregory Jackson
1 Silden Lane
Bella Vista, AR 72715.

Individual books and free downloads can be obtained from here. The PDF downloads are free.

Those who want 5 or more copies can get them through me at a reduced price.

I have recently been called Johnny-One-Note (by a Missouri pastor) for emphasizing justification by faith. I may have touched on some other topics in 6000 posts, but obviously one topic is grating to UOJ fans.

Likewise, one WELS pastor said the differences were minor and not worth arguing about. If that is so, then why have the UOJ Stormtroopers declared war on justification by faith for the last 80 years or so?