Friday, May 6, 2011

Grabbing the Money Hose

Bruce Church has left a new comment on your post "Militant Hmong Sought Who Threatened WELS Pastor":

Pastor Jackson's standard line was that WELS and ELS pastors were eager for overseas missions opportunities for the travel opportunities. Apparently there's more to it than that. It's a chance to aim the WELS money hose, but some mis-aim it.

BTW, the LCMS has a mainline church mentality so naturally it is not too interested in missions. Of course, you'll get all the yada-yada no-fault excuses as to why they only have 49 missionaries with a multi-billion dollar budget, even from President Harrison. In the LCMS one doesn't have to go on missions to get ones hands on a money hose.

Money Hose:

Shep has a hot potato question for the WELS about possible misuse of the ToF/WELS money hose there:

Here's one place Pr. Harrison makes excuses for the LCMS' low number of missionaries:

The Financial Picture in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, 27 Apr 2011:

Pastor Matt Harrison, President of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod