It's all about the numbers. People are reading 1500 pages of Ichabod each and every day, year around.
The cost is zero. No ads. A number of people regularly participate in our traditional Lutheran worship services, in: Arkansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Ohio, and Washington.
I started this to express my outrage over the destruction of the Lutheran Church by its elected and appointed leaders. Nothing has improved, but the laity are alerted about the facts and the clergy are encouraged, knowing they are not alone.
One layman kept asking me about people who publish anonymously or send me information. I usually do not know who they are, but when I do, no one is identified unless that individual has given me explicit written permission.
I do not control the discussions. More than 99% of the comments come through. There are reasons to stop some, but not because I disagree. I would like all the adulterous Shrinkers to post anonymously and defend what they do. That would be far more edifying than attacking me. Precious few even try to do so.
I have heard many positive reports from readers. The efficacious Word does bear fruit, always far more than we can imagine or plan. If only a few take an interest in the Scriptures and Confessions, I am satisfied.