Pope John the Malefactor looks on gleefully.
Milwaukee Journal:
An article Sunday about the revised New International Version of the Bible incorrectly stated that the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod has concluded that version remains the best translation for use in its publications. The synod's translation review committee will recommend that position at the synod's annual convention this year, but the synod has not yet made a decision.
GJ - Let us wake up to this fact - that WELS will make this translation a fellowship issue, gladly driving out any pastors who object, just as they did with the old, Reformed leaden NIV.
This version is far, far worse. If the Wisconsin sheep cannot stand up to this apostasy, forget it. Simple adopting this NNIV will mean that the historical reality of Adam and Eve will be debatable in all official publications. The sacraments were expelled from the old NIV, and various instructors admitted that the translation itself was just plain bad, wrong, erroneous.
But this one is agenda driven, just like Church and Change. The feminazis add words that were never there in the text, such as "if your brother or sister offends you."
Either Schroeder and some pastors with spine will start fighting the Changers, or WELS will go down quicker than the Titanic. So far, only one side is fighting and winning - the Changers.