Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rogue Lutheran Has Two Fascinating Stories

Rogue Lutheran has two good stories, linked here.

RL even kelmed one of my doctrinal graphics. Feel free to use them all over, no credit is needed. If you are in stealth-Ichabod mode, you are permitted to say, "I dunno where it came from. My cousin in Borneo sent it to me." That will keep you safe, because most officials could not find Borneo on a map with a flag pinned to it.

Links back to Ichabod are always welcome, because new readers keep adding to the page-reads. I know the synod officials always read it.

One student told me most of the faculty at Mary Lou College is using Google to let them know when they are named.

RL wrote about Missouri stealing another parish property, plus the elderly women left with a $600,000 legal bill, after California-Hawaii failed to steal it from them. The district used offering money, but the parish did not have that kind of loot to skim.

I thought, under Harrison, the synod would voluntarily pay back the costs of a meretricious lawsuit. That big word comes from the Latin term for prostitute.