Thursday, June 30, 2011

Church Does Not Have To Be Boring...Or Lutheran...Anymore

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Trifecta Imperfecta: What Thrivent Hath Put Togeth...":

LCMS youth go to synodical gathering where contemporary worship is put on, and now don't want to attend their boring church back home:

This comment came in on an ancient (March 6th, 2010) post of ours, LCMS Youth Gathering Praise Music Now Comes with a Theological Disclaimer. The commenter was someone who attended the conference as a chaperone. To gain context for the comment, you should read some of the other comments on the original post. Tracy makes some excellent points about the gathering, but what’s interesting to me is that two of the youth who attended NYG no longer attend church because they have seen how church “can be done” and are bored at their home church now.