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Thursday, June 9, 2011
Frosty Bivens, Valleskey Pal and Fuller Student
Unloads on the Sign of the Cross
AC V has left a new comment on your post "Teaching the Gospel Means Rejecting False Doctrine...":
June 2011 FICl, p.9:
Q: "Why do we Lutherans seldom make the sign of the cross?"
A: "It is a sacrament that earns indulgences... The simple gesture is linked to the horrible doctrines like the treasury of the merits and Mariolatry."
Contributing author Forrest Bivens, please cite source. Does anyone anywhere really think making the sign of the cross is a sacrament that earns indulgences? Give me a break.
GJ - Bivens is inept, consistently so.
ELCA knows better, here.
Wikipedia knows.
Here is a Missouri Synod source.
Even Jay Webber knows.
Bivens is an excellent example of the man who saw a bear attack his brother. His took out his knife to stab the bear and killed his brother instead. That is what people do when they react blindly against anything they decided is Roman Catholic.
Bivens, in the spirit of unionistic Pietism, was happy to go to Fuller Seminary, just about the most anti-Christian, anti-Lutheran, anti-Biblical school around. But he is stabbing away at the sign of the cross.
I use it several times during each service, but - I went to Notre Dame...
And I read Luther.