Tuesday, June 7, 2011

More Exits from ELCA.
Insights about Synodical Bullying

Synod road-kill in ELCA looks like synod road-kill in the Wisconsin Sect.

ALPB Forum

Back to the thread topic, which is not "All Charles All the Time!"

From David Barnhart's blog:

4. Cross of Christ Lutheran Church, Concord, NC passed second vote to leave the ELCA and afffiliate with the NALC 113-50.
5. St. Mark Lutheran Church, Cherryville, NC failed to pass first vote to leave the ELCA, 39-31.
6. Peace Lutheran Church, St. Joseph, MI passed second vote to leave the ELCA, 105-4 and voted unanimously.
7. Samhold Lutheran Church,Gonvick, MN, voted June 5 to join NALC. They had previously passed second vote to leave the ELCA.
8. Pleasant Union Lutheran Church, Kittanning (Rural Valley) PA passed second vote to leave the ELCA and join NALC, 26-0.

Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ!
Rob Buechler

The figure is 200 ELCA congregations willing and wanting to call such persons as their pastors.  Such was reported by Bishop Ullestad (NE Iowa) at a congregational consultation; he had asked Bp. Rimbo of MNYS “How many congregations in the ELCA will call a pastor in a publicly accountable lifelong monogamous same-gendered relationship?”  Bp Rimbo said “I’ll get back to you.”  After he had checked with others, he got back to Bishop Ullestad and told him: “About 200.”  [The upshot to that story is that when Bp Ullestad shared this with  the two congregations he was jointly consulting, he seemed to think that this would calm the waters, underscoring his point that “this won’t affect your congregations”; the general response was “for 200 congregations the ELCA has inflicted this conflict on itself—while losing over 500 congregations already and many more that will be leaving.”  ]

Ken Kimball

Someone picked a nit, and missed the point. There is an almost total lack of respect or concern among the revisionists of the ELCA and an unwillingness to listen to the theological objections of the traditionalists. When it comes to respecting our beliefs, the revisionists show us none. However, the revisionists do respect our "feelings". They respect them by saying, "We share your burdens". They respect them by saying, "We respect your bound conscience". The problem is that we traditionalists demand that our deeply held beliefs be respected, and instead, all that the revisionists offer is some vague sort of lip-service "respect" for our feelings. 

George Erdner