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Sunday, June 26, 2011
Preface to the Book of Concord, by F. Bente, Sainted Professor,
Our Lady of Sorrows Seminary
raklatt (http://raklatt.myopenid.com/) has left a new comment on your post "Few Missouri Synod Officials Would Have Lowered Th...":
F. Bente writes the following in his Preface to the Concordia Triglotta. It is an excerpt, an important one.
The date of his Preface is July 4, 1921.
"The Lutheran Church differs from all other churches in being essentially the Church of the pure Word and unadulterated Sacraments. Not the great number of her adherents, not her organizations, not her charitable and other institutions, not her beautiful customs and liturgical forms, etc., but the precious truths confessed in her symbols in perfect agreement with the Holy Scriptures constitute the true beauty and rich treasures of our Church, as well as the never-failing source of her vitality and power.
Wherever the Lutheran Church ignored her symbols or rejected all or some of them, there she always fell an easy prey to her enemies. But wherever she held fast to her God-given crown, esteemed and studied her confessions, and actually made them a norm and standard of her entire life and practice, there the Lutheran Church flourished and confounded all her enemies.
Accordingly, if Lutherans truly love their Church, and desire and seek her welfare, they must be faithful to her confessions and constantly be on their guard lest any one rob her of her treasure."
Book of Concord